英語 编辑

詞源 编辑

借自拉丁語 subrogātussubrogō 的完成時被動分詞,源自 sub (在…之下) + rogō (請求,詢問)。有變體 surrogate

動詞 编辑

subrogate (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 subrogates,現在分詞 subrogating,一般過去時及過去分詞 subrogated)

  1. (法律及物) 代替取代
    近義詞: substitutesurrogate
    • 2013 2月 7, European Court of Justice, Refcomp SpA vs. Axa Corporate Solutions Assurance SA / Axa France IARD / Emerson Network / Climaveneta SpA,[1], Case C‑543/10, marginals 8 and 10:
      In the course of that work air‑conditioning units were installed. Those units are equipped with compressors which were manufactured by Refcomp, whose registered office is in Italy, purchased from that company and fitted by Climaventa whose registered office is also in Italy, then sold to Doumer by the company Liebert to whose rights Emerson is now subrogated. […] Subrogated to the rights of Doumer, to which it paid compensation, Axa Corporate sued the manufacturer Recomp, the fitter Climaveneta and the seller Emerson before the Tribunal de grande instance de Paris (Regional Court, Paris) seeking an order that they pay in solidum compensation for the damage suffered.
    • 2019, Ginsberg, Martin, Kelley, Ginsberg and Martin on Bankruptcy, Aspen Publishers Online (ISBN 9780735575523), page 86:
      A co-debtor that pays off a principal creditor has a choice. It can subrogate to the principal creditor's claim or it can file its own claim in the bankruptcy. It cannot do both; its own claim will be disallowed if it seeks subrogation.

派生詞彙 编辑

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伊多語 编辑

動詞 编辑


  1. subrogar狀語化現在被動分詞

拉丁語 编辑

動詞 编辑


  1. subrogō第二人稱複數現在時主動態命令式

西班牙語 编辑

動詞 编辑


  1. subrogar第二人稱單數voseo命令式te 的合詞