
英語 编辑

形容詞 编辑

worn out (比較級 more worn out最高級 most worn out)

  1. 破舊的,破爛
    That old tractor is worn out.
    • 1913, Joseph C. Lincoln, 章號 8, 出自 Mr. Pratt's Patients:
      That concertina was a wonder in its way. The handles that was on it first was wore out long ago, and he'd made new ones of braided rope yarn. And the bellows was patched in more places than a cranberry picker's overalls.
  2. 筋疲力盡
    I was worn out after all that work.
    That game was fun, but now I'm all worn out.

同義詞 编辑

動詞 编辑

worn out

  1. wear out過去時分詞
    He has worn out his shoes.

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