加泰羅尼亞語 编辑

詞源 编辑

擬聲詞;xiu-xiu (低語聲) +‎ -ejar

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xiuxiuejar (第一人稱單數現在時 xiuxiuejo,第一人稱單數過去時 xiuxiuegí,過去分詞 xiuxiuejat)

  1. 低語
    • 2012, Joseph Conrad (translation by Ferran Ràfols Gesa), Contes del neguit (Tales of Unrest), Editorial Alpha, page 54:
      Ell corria al meu costat sense tocar a terra, i xiuxiuejava, xiuxiuejava; era invisible, però ben nítid a l'orella.
      He ran beside me without touching the ground, and whispered, whispered; he was invisible, but clear in my ear.

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