


|1=, |head2=, |head3=, ...
The headword with accents. This is also used to link to individual words in a page title. Leave it blank to use the page name as the default (only appropriate if the headword is monosyllabic or has a ё in it).
|tr=, |tr2=, |tr3=, ...
Override automatic transliteration of Cyrillic letters to Latin if needed according to Wiktionary:Russian transliteration. Each tr#= parameter lines up with the corresponding headword parameter.
|2=, |comp2=, |comp3=, ...
The comparative form with accents. Leave it blank if you don't know the comparative.
  • Use +b, +c' etc. to form the comparative the "normal" way; the code after the + sign is the short adjective class. The short adjective class should leave out any notations like *, (1), (2), etc.
  • Use + to form the comparative the "normal" way if the short adjective class is a (or a variant such as a* or a(1)). This corresponds to the vast majority of adjectives (but not most of the most common ones).
  • Use peri if the comparative is formed with бо́лее (bóleje).
  • Use - if the adjective is not comparable.
  • Use the prefix rare- on any comparative spec (e.g. rare-+) if the particular comparative form in question occurs only rarely.
  • Use the prefix dated- on any comparative spec (e.g. dated-+) if the particular comparative form in question is dated (i.e. no longer in current use).
  • Use the prefix awkward- on any comparative spec (e.g. awkward-+) if the particular comparative form in question is rare and awkward (i.e. it exists and is found, but is relatively little used and sounds strange to native speakers).
|3=, |sup2=, |sup3=, ...
The superlative form with accents. Normally only provided if a single-word superlative exists (e.g. нове́йший (novéjšij) of но́вый (nóvyj)); but the code peri can used if the superlative is formed with са́мый (sámyj).
|adv=, |adv2=, |adv3=, ...
Adverb(s) associated with this adjective.
|absn=, |absn2=, |absn3=, ...
Abstract noun(s) associated with this adjective.
|dim=, |dim2=, |dim3=, ...
Diminutives(s) associated with this adjective.
Indicate that the adjective is indeclinable, e.g. беж (bež, beige) or не́тто (nétto, nɛ́tto, net (of weight)). This puts an indication of this in the headword and inserts the adjective into Category:Russian indeclinable adjectives.
Indicate that no informal variants of comparatives should be listed. If not supplied, informal comparative variants (ending in -ей instead of -ее) will automatically be listed along with normal comparatives, for comparatives ending in -ее or -е́е.


то́нкий (tónkij) (比较级 (по)то́ньше,最高级 тонча́йший)
ста́рший (stáršij) (比较级 (по)ста́рше,最高级 са́мый ста́рший)
теку́чий (tekúčij) (比较级 бо́лее теку́чий,最高级 са́мый теку́чий)
высо́кий (vysókij) (比较级 (по)вы́ше,最高级 высоча́йший вы́сший)
пла́вный (plávnyj) (比较级 (по)плавне́е (по)плавне́й)
безра́достный (bezrádostnyj) (比较级 (по)безра́достнее (по)безра́достней)
ру́сский (rússkij) (无比较级)
ти́хий (tíxij) (比较级 (по)ти́ше,最高级 тиша́йший,副词 ти́хо,抽象名词 тишина́)
{{ru-adj|не́тто|tr=nétto, nɛ́tto|indecl=1}}
не́тто (nétto, nɛ́tto) (无语尾变化)