編輯cutter (複數 cutters)
- 切割者,裁剪者
- a stone cutter; a die cutter ― 切石機;模切機
- In some CNC programs, the diameter of the cutter (such as an end mill) is handled by cutter compensation codes.
- 在某些 CNC 程序中,刀具(例如立銑刀)的直徑由刀具補償代碼處理。
- 1982, The Movies (page 288)
- The intervening years, however, were spent as a cutter. He was, indeed, one of the best film editors in the business, winning an Academy Award for Body and Soul (1947).
- 1988, Jorge Amado, Home is the Sailor (page 55)
- Chico Pacheco kept repeating the phrase between clenched teeth, lamenting the wasted days of his youth; he had been a notorious cutter of classes.
- (航海) 快艇式帆船;獨桅縱帆船
- 門牙
- 用於執行公務的重型摩托艇
- a coastguard cutter ― 巡邏艇,緝私艇
- (航海) 艦上接應用的小船
- (板球) 因被切擊而在空中斜向移動,或離開球場的球
- (棒球) 切球
- 近義詞:cut fastball
- (俚語) 十便士的硬幣,因監獄囚犯常將其磨尖作武器而得名
- (非正式) 通過割傷身體來進行自殘的人
- 2013, Leona Davis, Past, Future, and End, FriesenPress,第 33 頁:
- After I got out of the mental institution I was looking at t.v. show I was looking it a teenage girl who was a cutter her arm look just like my arm.
- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
- (醫學,口語,俚語,幽默或貶義) 外科醫生
- 近義詞:slasher
- 肉質很差的肉(幾乎沒有外部脂肪,也不是肥瘦相間的肉)
- 同類詞:canner、darkcutter
- 1905, United States. Bureau of Corporations, Report of the Commissioner of Corporations on the Beef Industry (page 89)
- Bulls and cows used for breeding, when finally sent to market, are inferior for dressed-beef production. Bulls are demanded especially for sausage and similar products. Cows are largely used as cutters and canners […]
- (棄用) 在票據上劃去已支付金額的財政官員
- (棄用) 痞子;無賴;歹徒
- Martin Parker, A True Tale of Robin Hood
- So being outlaw'd (as 'tis told), / He with a crew went forth / Of lusty cutters, bold and strong, / And robbed in the north.
- 1633, A Match at Midnight (disputed authorship)
- He's out of cash, and thou know'st by cutter's law, / We are bound to relieve one another.
- Martin Parker, A True Tale of Robin Hood
- (棄用) 一種質軟的黃磚,容易切割,常用於外牆
- 由一匹馬駕駛的輕型雪橇
- 2007, Carrie A. Meyer, Days on the Family Farm, U of Minnesota Press, page 55 [1]:
- Throughout much of the winter, the sled or the cutter was the vehicle of choice. Emily and Joseph had a cutter, for traveling in style in snow.
- 2007, Carrie A. Meyer, Days on the Family Farm, U of Minnesota Press, page 55 [1]:
- (電視) 遮光用的旗幟或類似的工具
- 2012, John Jackman, Lighting for Digital Video and Television (page 86)
- Flags and other cutters allow the DP or gaffer to throw large controlled shadows on parts of the scene.
- 2012, John Jackman, Lighting for Digital Video and Television (page 86)
- (多元文化倫敦) 刀,小刀
- 2021年8月16日, (Mali Strip) Killa Kurse x AR x Rondo (作曲作詞), 「Buck aii LGR diss」[3],1:23–1:28:
- Hop out the ride with things and stuff
Back the longest cutter, watch him cut him, [grate their neek trips?] up- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
編輯- biscuit cutter
- bolt cutter
- box-cutter
- box cutter
- cane cutter
- cheese cutter
- cigar cutter
- compact bolt cutter
- cookie-cutter
- cookie cutter
- copy cutter
- cord-cutter
- cutter and paster
- cutter-off
- cutter-offer
- daisy cutter
- daisy-cutter
- dark cutter
- diamond cutter
- gem-cutter
- gem cutter
- glass cutter
- leaf-cutter
- leaf cutter
- leaf-cutter ant
- leaf-cutter bee
- leg cutter
- milling cutter
- mini bolt cutter
- nail cutter
- negative cutter
- off cutter
- pipe cutter
- pizza cutter
- revenue cutter
- stump cutter
- swear like a cutter
- turd cutter
- wheel cutter
- wire cutters
編輯音頻 (加拿大): (檔案)
編輯cutter m (複數 cutters)
編輯- 查看「cutter」在 le Trésor de la langue française informatisé [法語數位化寶典] 中的釋義。
編輯cutter m
編輯cutter n (複數 cuttere)
- cuter的另一種寫法
單數 | 複數 | |||
不定 | 定 | 不定 | 定 | |
主格/賓格 | (un) cutter | cutterul | (niște) cuttere | cutterele |
屬格/與格 | (unui) cutter | cutterului | (unor) cuttere | cutterelor |
呼格 | cutterule | cutterelor |