
英語 编辑

詞源 编辑

源自中古英語 treten,源自盎格魯-諾曼語 treter古法語 tretiertraiter,源自拉丁語 trāctare (),源自trahere (拖,拉)的過去分詞詞幹。

發音 编辑

動詞 编辑

treat (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 treats,現在分詞 treating,一般過去時及過去分詞 treated)

  1. (不及物) 討論會談談判 (+ for / with) (自13世紀)
    • 1955, J. R. R. Tolkien, The Return of the King, George Allen & Unwin:
      Now halting a few paces before the Captains of the West he looked them up and down and laughed. 'Is there any in this rout with authority to treat with me?' he asked.
    • 1985, Lawrence Durrell, Quinx, Faber & Faber 2004 (Avignon Quintet), p. 1365:
      After all, in this hideous war we have just passed through never forget that Halifax would have treated with Hitler: it took Churchill to refuse.
    • 2010, David Mitchell, The Observer, 6 Jun 2010:
      I wouldn't promote businesses I considered immoral – ambulance-chasing lawyers or online roulette for example – but I've got nothing against computer or software manufacture: they're important and any reputable company in that industry is welcome to treat for my services.
  2. (不及物) 講述 (自14世紀)
    Cicero's writing treats mainly of old age and personal duty.
    • 1749, Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling:
      And, indeed, should the excellent Mr Broughton be prevailed on to set fist to paper, and to complete the above-said rudiments, by delivering down the true principles of athletics, I question whether the world will have any cause to lament, that none of the great writers, either antient or modern, have ever treated about that noble and useful art.
    • Template:RQ:Milton PL
  3. (及物) 講述談論 (自14世紀)
    The article treated feminism as a quintessentially modern movement.
  4. (及物不及物棄用) 懇求乞求 (14-17世紀)
    Only let my family live, I treat thee.
  5. (及物) 對待看待 (自14世紀)
    You treated me like a fool.
    She was tempted to treat the whole affair as a joke.
  6. (及物) 給某人提供(吃喝);招待請客 (自16世紀)
    I treated my son to some popcorn in the interval.
    I've done so well this month, I'll treat you all to dinner (or Dinner is my treat.)
    My husband treated me to a Paris holiday for our anniversary.
  7. (英國政治) 賄選
  8. (及物) 治療 (自18世紀)
    They treated me for malaria.
    • 2018, Sandeep Jauhar, Heart: a History, →ISBN,頁號 204:
      We treated firefighters suffering from smoke inhalation, giving them oxygen to breathe and albuterol mist to help open their airways.
  9. (及物) 處理 (自19世紀)
    He treated the substance with sulphuric acid.
    I treated the photo somewhat to make the colours more pronounced.
  10. 為……獻上
    • 2012, Chelsea 6-0 Wolves [1]
      The Chelsea captain was a virtual spectator as he was treated to his side's biggest win for almost two years as Stamford Bridge serenaded him with chants of "there's only one England captain," some 48 hours after he announced his retirement from international football.

使用注意 编辑

在北英格蘭的一些方言,過去式和過去分詞用 tret (/tɹɛt/)。

近義詞 编辑

派生詞 编辑

相關詞彙 编辑

名詞 编辑

treat (複數 treats)

  1. 樂事
    I took the kids to the zoo for a treat.
  2. 驚喜
    It was such a treat to see her back in action on the London stage.
  3. 零食糖果
    Here are some healthy Halloween treats for ghouls and witches of all ages.
  4. 寵物零食
    I lured the cat into her carrier by throwing a couple of treats in there.
  5. (棄用) 會談談判
  6. (棄用) 懇求

派生詞 编辑

異序詞 编辑