
英语 编辑

維基百科 en
Engraving of a vampire.
Actor Béla Lugosi as Dracula, the vampire-count.

其他形式 编辑

词源 编辑

源自法語 vampire,源自德語 Vampir,经由匈牙利语源自某斯拉夫語族单词,可能是塞爾維亞-克羅地亞語 вампир (vàmpīr),其为不可考词*upir的一个理论变体,源自原始斯拉夫語 *ǫpyrь[1][2]对比参考俄語 упы́рь (upýrʹ)波蘭語 upiór波蘭語 wąpierz等。oupire同源對似詞

发音 编辑

  • 國際音標(幫助)/ˈvæm.paɪ.ə(ɹ)/
  • 文檔

名词 编辑

vampire (複數 vampires)

  1. 吸血鬼 (自1732年)
    • 1732 5月 20, The London Journal,頁號 76,列號 1:
      [I]n the Village of Medreyga in Hungary, certain dead Bodies (call'd there Vampyres) had kill'd several Persons by sucking out all their Blood: That Arnold Paul, an Heyduke, having kill'd four Persons after he was dead, his Body was taken up 40 Days after, which bled at the Nose, Mouth and Ears: That, according to Custom, they drove a Stake thro' his Heart, at which he gave horrid Groan, and lost a great deal of Blood. And that all such as have been tormented or kill'd by Vampyres, become Vampyres when they are dead.
    • 1819, John William Polidori, The Vampyre, London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones,頁號 xxi:
      The universal belief is, that a person sucked by a vampyre becomes a vampyre himself, and sucks in his turn.
    近義詞: nosferatulamiacadaver sanguine
  2. (口語) 全身性红斑狼疮患者 因为该疾病患者畏光、牙齿暗红,形似吸血鬼,故称
  3. 吸血蝙蝠 (自18世纪晚期)
    近義詞: vampire bat
  4. (比喻義貶義) 寄生虫 大量占用别人时间、精力、金钱等的人
  5. (過時) 勾引榨取男人女人
    • 2004, David W. Menefee, The First Female Stars: Women of the Silent Era (page 4)
      "What followed this decision was exactly what we had expected: Mr. Fox, realizing that the public was tiring of Theda Bara in vampire roles, announced that he would star her in a production of Romeo and Juliet," she illustrated.
  6. (美國俚語) 处理病人血液医疗工作者
    • 1992, Terry Pringle, This is the Child:
      Only one technician in the hospital lab, in all we have encountered, uses it. [] Eric makes no complaints other than those directed at the vampires. Brenda and I do.
    • 2000, Tracie Peterson, Colorado Wings (page 373)
      "I draw blood from patients, and then I take it back to the lab and analyze it. Sometimes, the vampires do all the sticks, that is to say the lab assistants do all the blood collections." He grinned. "We have our own language at the lab."
  7. (美國海军黑话) anti-ship missile (反舰导弹, 缩写ASM,常指敌军的)之同義詞
    Vampire. Vampire. Vampire. Battle stations.

近义词 编辑

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相关词汇 编辑

派生語彙 编辑

动词 编辑

vampire (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 vampires,現在分詞 vampiring,一般過去時及過去分詞 vampired)

  1. (及物比喻義) 榨取

参见 编辑

异序词 编辑

参考资料 编辑

  1. vampire” in Merriam–Webster Online Dictionary.
  2. vampire”, Dictionary.com Unabridged, Dictionary.com, LLC, 1995–present

世界语 编辑

词源 编辑

vampiro (吸血鬼) +‎ -e

发音 编辑

副词 编辑


  1. 吸血鬼般地

相关词汇 编辑

法语 编辑

維基百科 fr

发音 编辑

名词 编辑

vampire m (複數 vampires)

  1. 吸血鬼

衍生词汇 编辑

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延伸阅读 编辑

葡萄牙语 编辑

动词 编辑


  1. vampirar 的第一人稱單數(eu)現在時虛擬式
  2. vampirar 的第三人稱單數(eleela,亦用於você其他代詞)現在時虛擬式
  3. vampirar 的第三人稱單數(você)肯定命令式
  4. vampirar 的第三人稱單數(você)否定命令式

罗马尼亚语 编辑

发音 编辑

名词 编辑

vampire f 

  1. vampiră複數