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white buildings in Leipzig

来自中古英语 bildyngbuildyngbuyldyngbyldyngbuldingbeldyng,等同于build +‎ -ing

名词 编辑

building (可数 不可数,复数 buildings)

  1. (不可数) 建设
    近义词: construction
    The building of the bridge will be completed in a couple of weeks.
  2. (可数) 建筑建筑物
    近义词: edifice;亦参见Thesaurus:building
    • 2013 7月 19, Mark Tran, “Denied an education by war”, 出自 The Guardian Weekly, 卷 189, 期 6,页号 1:
      One particularly damaging, but often ignored, effect of conflict on education is the proliferation of attacks on schools [] as children, teachers or school buildings become the targets of attacks. Parents fear sending their children to school. Girls are particularly vulnerable to sexual violence.
      冲突对教育产生的一个特别有害但往往被忽视的影响是,对学校的袭击激增 [] ,因为儿童、教师或学校建筑成为袭击的目标。家长们害怕送他们的孩子去学校。女孩特别容易遭受性暴力。
    My sister lives in that apartment building.
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  1. build 的现在分词

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词源 编辑

源自英语 building

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名词 编辑

building m (复数 buildings)

  1. 高楼摩天楼
    近义词: gratte-cieltour

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