英语 编辑

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see you later的略缩,带亲昵性质的-s(对照toodles出自toodleloobye-byes出自good-bye)。

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  1. (俚语) 再见拜拜
    • 2001, Anna Maxted, Getting Over It [1][永久失效链接]:
      But all she says is “Ring us if you want to go out this week. Laters!” and puts the phone down.
    • 2004, J J Connolly, Layer Cake [2][永久失效链接]:
      ‘Shanks,’ says Trevor into his mobile, ‘we just gone down a snake. I’ll see ya tomorrow, laters.’
    • 2004, Thomas Neradin, Last Train [3][永久失效链接]:
      You know where the money is and how much. Tell him the usual. Yep. Laters.

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  1. lat不定属格复数

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