英语 编辑

形容词 编辑

nemo (无比较级)

  1. (广播)not emanating from main office (非本部广播) 之首字母缩略词
    • 1929, Popular Science (volume 115, number 4, page 153)
      In New York City alone, there are nearly three dozen of these "nemo" points from which speeches, music, and entertainment are broadcast regularly.
    • 1935, Alison Reppy, Air Law Review (volume 6, page 86)
      All "nemo" broadcasting, except entirely musical, would be abandoned. Stations would not risk broadcasting anything arising outside the studio, as there would be no editorial or censorship power.

异序词 编辑

国际语 编辑

代词 编辑


  1. 无人,没有人
    近义词: necuno

拉丁语 编辑

词源 编辑

古拉丁语短语 ne hemō (没有人) (古典拉丁语 ne homō)的缩略。对比praedapraehenda

发音 编辑

代词 编辑

nēmō m f (属格 nēminis)

  1. 无人,没有人
    • c. 4 BCE – 65 CE, Seneca the Younger, De brevitate vitae 15:
      Horum te mori nemo coget, omnes docebunt; horum nemo annos tuos conteret, suos tibi contribuet; nullius ex his sermo periculosus erit, nullius amicitia capitalis, nullius sumptuosa obseruatio.
      No one of these will force you to die, but all will teach you how to die; no one of these will wear out your years, but each will add his own years to yours; conversations with no one of these will bring you peril, the friendship of none will endanger your life, the courting of none will tax your purse.
    • Quem nemo ferro potuit superare nec auro.Whom none could overcome with iron or gold.
    • Amīcus omnibus, amīcus nemini.和所有人都是朋友的人,和谁都成不了朋友。
    • Vicinam neminem amo magis quam te.I love a neighbouring nobody more than you.
    • Nemo, nisi sapiens, liber est.No one, unless he is wise, is free.
    • Nemo ante mortem beatus.No one [can be called] happy before his death.
    • Nemo non formosus filius matri.每个人都是母亲心中的好子女。
    • Absque sanitate nemo felix.没有健康的人谈不上幸福。
    • Nemo sine sapientia, beatus est.没有智慧的人不会幸福。
    • Nemo cum sarcinis enatat.No one swims away with his bundles/belongings.
    • Nemo est supra leges.无人能凌驾于法律之上。
    • Nemo ex amoris vulnere sanus abit.没有人能毫发无损地走出情伤。

变格 编辑


主格 nēmō
属格 nēminis
与格 nēminī
宾格 nēminem
夺格 nēmine
呼格 nēmō


复数形(按表格中的语法格排序:neminēs, neminum, neminibus, neminēs, neminibus, neminēs)存在,但极为罕用,一般用其他方法代替。

派生词 编辑

派生语汇 编辑

  • 意大利语: nimo
  • 罗马尼亚语: nimeni

参考资料 编辑

  • nemo in Charlton T. Lewis & Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1879
  • nemo”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • nemo在Charles du Fresne du Cange的Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
  • nemo在Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français (拉丁语-法语详解词典), Hachette中的内容
  • nēmō in Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar. Boston & London: Ginn, 1903.
  • Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • Pericles, the greatest man of his day: Pericles, quo nemo tum fuit clarior
    • no man of learning: nemo doctus
    • no one with any pretence to education: nemo mediocriter doctus
  • Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[2], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • Pericles, the greatest man of his day: Pericles, quo nemo tum fuit clarior
    • no man of learning: nemo doctus
    • no one with any pretence to education: nemo mediocriter doctus

塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语 编辑

其他写法 编辑

发音 编辑

副词 编辑

nȇmo (西里尔字母拼写 не̑мо)

  1. 无言地,默默