英语 编辑

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词源 编辑

继承中古英语 stinkystynky,等价于 stink +‎ -y。对照荷兰语 stinkig (臭的,肮脏的,腐烂的)德语 stinkig (臭的)汉斯立克语 stinkich

发音 编辑

形容词 编辑

stinky (比较级 stinkier more stinky最高级 stinkiest most stinky)

  1. 恶臭的,气味难闻
    What's that stinky smell?什么东西那么
    近义词: stinking
  2. (非正式) 的,不好的,不受欢迎
    • 1991, Theresa P. Gladden, Romancing Susan,[1] Bantam Books, ISBN 055344123X, page 37,
      [] she walked over to the table and switched off the Walkman as she sat down.
      “Hey!” Nikki yelped. “That was a stinky thing to do. That was my favorite song.”
    • 2003, Betty Levin, Shoddy Cove,[2] HarperCollins, ISBN 0-06-052272-0, page 151,
      “School all year round.” The father groaned. “What a good idea.”
      “Stupid, stinky idea,” a child remarked from across the room.
    • 2007, Aletha V. Smithson, “Pacifier Breaking” (poem), in As He Was Known,[3] AuthorHouse, ISBN 1-4259-7805-3, page 172,
      The binky drifted up and far away,
      To the man in the moon, I heard them say;
      A cute idea but a rotten stinky plan.

派生词汇 编辑

名词 编辑

stinky (复数 stinkies)

  1. (儿童用语) 粪便腹泻
    近义词: 参见Thesaurus:feces