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词源 1 编辑

源自中古英语 sweteswetswateswote,源自古英语 swāt,源自原始日耳曼语 *swait-*swaitą,源自原始印欧语 *swoyd- (流汗),*sweyd- (出汗)的o音变形式。与西弗里斯兰语 swit荷兰语 zweet德语 Schweiß丹麦语 sved瑞典语 svett意第绪语 שוויצן (shvitsn)英语 shvitz)、拉丁语 sudor法语 sueur意大利语 sudore西班牙语 sudor波斯语 خوید (xwēd, 潮湿的,新鲜的)梵语 स्वेद (svéda)立陶宛语 sviedri吐火罗语B syā-阿尔巴尼亚语 djersë同源。

发音 编辑

  • 英语发音swĕt, 国际音标(帮助)/swɛt/
  • 文档
  • 韵部:-ɛt

名词 编辑

sweat (通常不可数,复数 sweats)

  1. 汗水
    近义词: perspiration
  2. 出汗排汗
    Just thinking about the interview tomorrow puts me into a nervous sweat.
  3. (英国俚语军队俚语尤指一战)(尤指经验丰富或年长的)士兵
  4. (历史) 汗热病
  5. (任何物体冒出的)液滴
  6. 赛马用的马锻炼时的)短跑
  7. (不可数) 累活
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衍生词汇 编辑
派生语汇 编辑
  • 托雷斯海峡克里奥尔语: swet
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词源 2 编辑

源自中古英语 sweten,源自古英语 swǣtan,源自原始日耳曼语 *swaitijaną (出汗)。 对比荷兰语 zweten德语 schwitzen丹麦语 svedeshvitz同源对似词

动词 编辑

sweat (第三人称单数简单现在时 sweats,现在分词 sweating,一般过去时及过去分词 sweated sweat)

  1. (不及物) 出汗排汗
    近义词: perspire
  2. (及物) 使...经皮肤排出液体:
    1. 使...出汗
      His physicians attempted to sweat him by most powerful sudorifics.
  3. (不及物非正式) 辛苦劳动
    近义词: slaveslog
    I've been sweating over my essay all day.
  4. (及物非正式) 压榨榨取
    to sweat a spendthrift
    to sweat labourers
  5. (不及物非正式) 担心不安
    近义词: fretworry
  6. (及物口语) 担心担忧 (自20世纪起)
    • 2010, Brooks Barnes, "Studios battle to save Narnia", The New York Times, 5 Dec 2010:
      There are few matters studio executives sweat more than maintaining their franchises.
  7. (及物) 像排汗一样排出
    to sweat blood
  8. (不及物) 排出液滴
    The cheese will start sweating if you don't refrigerate it.
  9. (不及物管道) 焊起(管道接合处)
  10. (及物俚语) 使...紧张不安
    Stop sweatin' me!
    • 1988, “Fuck tha Police”, 演出者 N.W.A:
      But I'ma smoke 'em now and not next time / Smoke any motherfucker that sweats me
  11. (及物不及物烹饪) 用少油文火(来蒸掉水分)
    • 2002, Judy Rodgers, The Zuni Cafe Cookbook[1]:
      Sweating is a generally a quiet operation; if the food is whispering, or worse, hissing, the moisture is probably evaporating too rapidly
    • 2007, Patty Elsberry, Matt Bolus, Simply Vanilla: Recipes for Everyday Use[2],页号 93:
      Sweat the carrots, onion, celery, leeks, and cabbage in the butter until translucent not allowing them to color in any way.
    • 2009, Bill Neal, Bill Neal's Southern Cooking[3],页号 11:
      Reduce heat to low, cover pan, and gently sweat the celery for ten minutes, taking care not to brown it
    • 2011, The Bay Area Homegrown Cookbook[4]:
      Sweat the onions and garlic in the oil, stirring occasionally, until they are completely soft (no crunch) but not caramelized.
  12. (及物古旧) 将(硬币)和其他硬币在一个袋子里摇晃来划掉一部分金属
    • 1879, Richard Cobden, On the Probable Fall in the Value of Gold (originally by Michel Chevalier)
      The only use of it [money] which is interdicted is to put it in circulation again after having diminished its weight by sweating, or otherwise, because the quantity of metal contains is no longer consistent with its impression.
  13. (不及物) 遭受惩罚挨罚
  14. (及物) 帮(马)擦掉汗水
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词源 编辑

借自英语 sweatshirt

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名词 编辑

sweat m (复数 sweats)

  1. 汗衫运动衫
    Les sweats à capuche sont interdits dans certains lieux publics en Grande-Bretagne.