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借自德语 Wurst (香肠),源自中古高地德语 wurst,源自古高地德语 wurst,源自原始西日耳曼语 *wursti (弯曲或扭曲的东西),源自原始印欧语 *wert-*werd- (扭,转)。与古撒克逊语 worst (德式香肠)古英语 weorþan (成为,变为)同源。wors同源对似词。与英语 worsted (一种纱线)无关。详见worth (成为;降临,发生)

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wurst (复数 wursts)

  1. 一种德式/奥地利式香肠 (1890)
    • 2011, Dardis McNamee, Frommer's Austria
      In summer, you're welcomed into a flower-decked garden set against a backdrop of ancient vineyards. You can fill up your platter with some of the best wursts and roast meats (especially the delectable pork), along with freshly made salads.

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  1. (口语) 无所谓
    近义词: egalschnuppe
    Das ist mir wurst.那不关我事。

延伸阅读 编辑

  • wurst”在《杜登线上辞典》上的解释