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源自官話 江門江门 (Jiāngmén)漢語拼音

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  1. 江門地級市名,位於中國廣東)。
    • 2013 7月 18, Charlie Zhu, David Stanway, Grace Li, Lavinia Mo, 「Public trust crisis threatens China's nuclear power ambitions [公信力危機威脅到中國的核能野心]」, 出自 Reuters[1],於01 April 2022歸檔自原頁面, Environment‎[2]:
      In the Internet age, in which the Chinese public is becoming increasingly vocal about their rights and mobilizing on social networks, popular protests like the demonstrations in the city of Jiangmen against the processing plant suggest a wider backlash against nuclear power. []
      The uranium processing project in Jiangmen, near Hong Kong, was supposed to supply fuel to existing and future power plants in Guangdong, a major Chinese industrial powerhouse and a center of nuclear energy expansion.
      在互聯網時代,中國公眾越來越多地在社交網絡上為自己的權利發聲並動員起來,江門市針對加工廠的示威活動等民眾抗議活動表明,人們對核電的抵制更加廣泛。 []

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