
英語 編輯

維基百科 en

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詞源 編輯

Not in Education, Employment, or Training (不正受教育、僱傭、培訓中)的縮寫。原為英國政府術語,最早見於20世紀90年代。後傳至日本及其他一些國家,意思也有發生改變。

名詞 編輯


  1. (多用於英國) 尼特族
    • 2006, Suvendrini Kakuchi, 「Turning to 'NEETS' to Cover Labour Shortages」, 出自 Inter Press Service[1]:
      Studies have shown that NEETs are usually between the ages of 18 to 40 years and may be the victims of family breakdown and mental illness, lack of discipline also contributes to the problem.
    • 2005 2月 9, The Washington Times[2]:
      The NEET population in 2003, according to a Ministry of Health and Labor estimate last September, was 520,000.

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