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acclimated (比較級 more acclimated最高級 most acclimated)

  1. 適應習慣了某些環境
    • 2012 5月 24, Nathan Rabin, 「Film: Reviews: Men In Black 3 [影評:《黑衣人3》]」, 出自 The Onion AV Club[1]:
      Sequels to fish-out-of-water comedies make progressively less sense the longer a series continues. By the time Crocodile Dundee In Los Angeles rolled around in 2001, 15 years after the first Crocodile Dundee became a surprise blockbuster, the title character had been given an awfully long time to grow acclimated to those kooky Americans

動詞 編輯


  1. (主要用於美國) acclimate簡單過去時過去時分詞