英語 編輯

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詞源 編輯

來自中古英語 deliveren,來自盎格魯-諾曼語古法語 delivrer,來自拉丁語 + līberō (使自由)

發音 編輯

動詞 編輯

deliver (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 delivers,現在分詞 delivering,一般過去時及過去分詞 delivered)

  1. 解救拯救
    deliver a captive from the prison
    近義詞: freeliberaterelease
  2. 出生有關
    1. 接生
      the doctor delivered the baby
    2. (正式+ "of")產婦接生
      the duchess was delivered of a son
      the doctor is expected to deliver her of a daughter tomorrow
    3. 產下
      she delivered a baby boy yesterday
  3. 解除負擔
    • 1622, Henry Peacham, The Compleat Gentleman
      Tully was long ere he could be delivered of a few verses, and those poor ones.
  4. 寄送派送
    deliver a package;  deliver the mail
  5. 引渡(槍械、毒品等)
    deliver the thief to the police
  6. (不及物非正式) 兌現(承諾)
    • 2004, Detroit News, Detroit Pistons: Champions at Work (page 86)
      "You know, he plays great sometimes when he doesn't score," Brown said. "Tonight, with Rip (Richard Hamilton) struggling, we needed somebody to step up, and he really did. He really delivered."
    • 2020 2月 18, 「UK to close door to non-English speakers and unskilled workers」, 出自 The Guardian[1]:
      However, ministers argue they are delivering the Brexit demanded by the electorate – and say it is time for businesses to wean themselves off cheap migrant labour.
  7. 演講演說
    deliver a speech
  8. 執行履行
    to deliver a blow
  9. 發現展示
  10. (obsolete) 准許允許
    (我們能否查找並添加Francis Bacon引用過本詞的語句?)
  11. (醫學) 施打藥物

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