英語 編輯

替代形式 編輯

詞源 編輯

源自中古英語 equaten,源自拉丁語 aequātusaequō的過去分詞。

發音 編輯

動詞 編輯

equate (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 equates,現在分詞 equating,一般過去時及過去分詞 equated)

  1. (及物) 認爲等同
  2. (及物數學) 設定為相等。
    • 1960 February, 「Talking of Trains」, 出自 Trains Illustrated,頁號 67:
      Mr. Hoyle, who does not believe many multiple-unit diesel services on secondary routes will resist for ever the road transport challenge, would forgo passenger traffic altogether on a little-used route in order to improve the quality of the freight working and reduce its costs by equating the average speed of all trains on the line concerned.

反義詞 編輯

相關術語 編輯

參見 編輯

名詞 編輯

equate (複數 equates)

  1. (程式設計) 彙編語言中的語句,定義具有特定值的符號。
    • 2005, Arnold S. Berger, Hardware and Computer Organization,頁號 220:
      The first section of the program includes the system equates.
    • 2009, Saifullah Khalid, Neetu Agrawal, Microprocessor System,頁號 256:
      The following equates define the stats byte []
    • 2012, J. S. Anderson, Microprocessor Technology,頁號 221:
      You can learn much about user routines, labels, displacements, equates (EQU) and so on, by modifying this program and observing the results on the screen.