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動詞 編輯

hold up (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 holds up,現在分詞 holding up,一般過去時及過去分詞 held up)

  1. (不及物非正式) 等待待命推遲
    Hold up a minute. I want to check something.
  2. (及物) 阻礙阻滯
    I've got to be to work now. Why are you holding me up?
    What is holding up traffic?
    • 2012 5月 13, Andrew Benson, 「Williams's Pastor Maldonado takes landmark Spanish Grand Prix win」, 出自 BBC Sport:
      It worked to perfection. Ferrari's decision not to stop on the next lap simply made life easier, especially when Alonso was held up by Marussia's Charles Pic during that period - for which the Frenchman earned a drive-through penalty.
  3. (及物) 撐着
    Hold up the table while I slide this underneath.
    • 1962 June, David Walters, 「The new station and layout at Coventry」, 出自 Modern Railways,頁號 405:
      In order to accommodate the new platform 4 and the reversibly signalled slow line, a deep cutting had to be cut back and held up in places with a concrete retaining wall.
    • Template:RQ:Christie Autobiography
  4. (俗語) 撐過忍耐住,活過
    hold up to scrutiny
    hold up to heavy use
  5. (及物俗語) 完成 (某協定的自己那部分)
    I don't think he's holding up his end of the bargain.
  6. (及物俗語) 持槍搶劫
    The guy tried to hold up a bank.
  7. 保持,不落後
    • Template:RQ:Collier Essays
      For what will the World say; Why could not he hold up? What made him come on so heavily, but that he wanted either Management or Metal
  8. (及物) 經久不衰 指藝術作品等
    Bride of Frankenstein is an old film, but it holds up.

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