參見:light-bulblight bulb

英語 編輯

詞源1 編輯

名詞 編輯

lightbulb (複數 lightbulbs)

  1. light bulb的另一種拼寫法

詞源2 編輯

仿譯粵語 電燈泡電燈泡 (din6 dang1 paau1)。

發音 編輯

名詞 編輯

lightbulb (複數 lightbulbs)

  1. (新加坡口語) 介入情侶約會的人;電燈泡
    • 2011 10月 23, Heidy The Traveler, Learn Singlish a Bit!:
      You two go ahead lah, I don't want to be lightbulb.
    • 2014 8月 3, Chris Soh, 20 Words That Mean Something Completely Different to Singaporeans:
      When she finally came out her friend joined us. Damn lightbulb leh!
    • 2014, carolcraves, "[1]", Twitter, 31 January 2014:
      Being an extra big light bulb and eating with two cousins and their husband and fiance.
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