英語 編輯

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源自中古英語 mydryf,源自古英語 midrifmidhrif (腹部,橫膈膜),等價於mid- +‎ riff

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midriff (複數 midriffs)

  1. 腹部
    • Template:RQ:Wodehouse Jeeves in the Offing
    • 2023 1月 20, Dan Bilefsky, 「American Expatriates in Paris Wish Emily Cooper Would Go Home」, 出自 The New York Times[1], →ISSN:
      But by Season 3, she said her patience had fizzled like bad Champagne after Emily grossly mispronounced 「bien sûr」 (「of course!」), flashed her midriff at the office and mistook George Sand, the French romantic writer, as a man.

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