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動詞 編輯

throw up (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 throws up,現在分詞 throwing up,過去式 threw up,過去分詞 thrown up)

  1. 僅按字面意思,並無比喻或俗語義;參見throwup
  2. (口語) 嘔吐
    The baby threw up all over my shirt.
    That cat is always throwing up hairballs.
  3. 拋出產出(新的或意外的東西)
    This system has thrown up a few problems.
  4. 揚起濺起
    The car wheels threw up a shower of stones.
  5. (及物多已過時) (尤指草草地)豎起立起建造
    • 1872, Every Saturday (page 96)
      Every depression in the ground had been utilized; every rise taken advantage of, to dig rifle-pits or throw up a little earthwork, surrounded with sand-bags []
    • 2001, Diane Kennedy, Loop-Holes of the Rich: How the Rich Legally Make More Money & Pay Less Tax, Warner Books, ISBN 0446678325, page 70,
      In other words, a business can throw up a huge detour sign in the way of the government.
    • 2007, Marissa Monteilh, Dr. Feelgood, Kensington Books, ISBN 0758211228, page 27,
      The deal was that if anyone started catching feelings, he could throw up a stop sign and the other would honor it.
  6. (及物不及物) 放棄
    • 1859, Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities:
      「No!」 returned the spy. 「I throw up. I confess that we were so unpopular with the outrageous mob, that I only got away from England at the risk of being ducked to death, and that Cly was so ferreted up and down, that he never would have got away at all but for that sham. Though how this man knows it was a sham, is a wonder of wonders to me.」
    • 2011, Alan Bennett, "Baffled at a Bookcase", London Review of Books, XXXIII.15:
      In 1944, believing, as people in Leeds tended to do, that flying bombs or no flying bombs, things were better Down South, Dad threw up his job with the Co-op and we migrated to Guildford.
  7. 用手比劃幫派標誌
    • 2005, Brandon Bennett, Moon in Gemini, iUniverse, ISBN 059536442X, page 56,
      Why don't you go on and throw up ya gang sign. Represent your hood, homey?
  8. (過時及物) 放大(圖片)

近義詞 編輯

名詞 編輯

throw up (不可數)

  1. (口語) 嘔吐
    We had to scrub the seats for throw up when we left the dog in the car.

其他形式 編輯

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