
英語 編輯

詞源 編輯

turn + over

發音 編輯

  • 音頻 (澳洲)(檔案)

動詞 編輯

turn over (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 turns over,現在分詞 turning over,一般過去時及過去分詞 turned over)

  1. 僅按字面意思,並無比喻或俗語義;參見turnover
  2. 翻轉
    Turn over the box and look at the bottom.
  3. (及物俗語) 呈交
    They turned over the evidence to the authorities.
  4. (及物俗語) 轉移
    • 1843, Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present, book 3, ch. IX, Working Aristocracy
      But what is to be done with our manufacturing population […] This one thing, of doing for them by 『underselling all people,』 and filling our own bursten pockets and appetites by the road; and turning over all care for any 『population,』 or human or divine consideration except cash only, to the winds, with a 「Laissez-faire」 and the rest of it: this is evidently not the thing.
  5. (及物俗語) 產出完成
    They can turn over about three hundred units per hour.
  6. (及物商業) 產生利潤
    The business turned over £1m last year.
  7. (及物) 考慮思考
  8. (及物不及物) 通過手柄旋轉內燃機引擎曲軸,以使其運轉
  9. (及物運動) 放棄控球
    The Giants didn't turn the ball over in their last four games.
  10. (及物)
    I've turned over the whole place, but I still can't find my glasses.
    Thieves turned over the apartment while the owners were away on holiday.

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