英語 編輯

詞源 編輯

來自un- +‎ becoming。對照中古英語 unbicomelich (不適當)

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形容詞 編輯

unbecoming (比較級 more unbecoming最高級 most unbecoming)

  1. 恰當的,不得體
    • 1934, Agatha Christie, 章號 3, 出自 Murder on the Orient Express, London: HarperCollins, 出版於 2017,頁號 25:
      A very small expensive black toque was hideously unbecoming to the yellow, toad-like face beneath it.
    • 2017 7月 12, Moe! Ninja Girls, Japan: NTT Solmare, 經由 iOS, Android,幕:Season 7, Chapter 7, Part 2:
      ― Lily: 「Don’t stare so much. It’s unbecoming. It makes you look like a country bumpkin.」
    She wore a rather unbecoming hairstyle.
  2. 相稱
    He was accused of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman.

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  1. unbecome 的現在分詞

名詞 編輯

unbecoming (複數 unbecomings)

  1. 變得合適
    • 2007, Una Chung, Contagion of Living:
      By tracing the turns from U.S. to Japan to China, we can see that becoming American, the classic ethnic American narrative, itself opens to further becomings and unbecomings and rebecomings that address mobility and ethnicization []

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