
英語 編輯

其他形式 編輯

  • utilize (美國, 加拿大, 牛津英式拼寫)

詞源 編輯

源自法語 utiliser,源自意大利語 utilizzare,源自utile (有用的),源自拉丁語 ūtilis,源自ūtī (使用)。最早見於c. 1810。[1]

發音 編輯


動詞 編輯

utilise (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 utilises,現在分詞 utilising,一般過去時及過去分詞 utilised) (英式拼寫)

  1. 使用利用
    • 1959 March, 「The 2,500 h.p. electric locomotives for the Kent Coast electrification」, 出自 Trains Illustrated,頁號 125:
      The bodywork employs, where possible, the same constructional methods as for the standard B.R. coaching stock, in order to utilise existing jigs and press tools.
  2. 使有用,給……找到用處
  3. 充分運用
    • 1960 December, 「The Glasgow Suburban Electrification is opened」, 出自 Trains Illustrated,頁號 715:
      Since then we have had the opportunity to travel in them and were much impressed by the internal styling and comfort of the seating (with the minor exception of the single seats which have been tucked in longitudinally alongside some of the entrance vestibules and which are so cramped that only the slimmest of female figures could be comfortable in them; the space they occupy would have been better utilised to increase standing room).
  4. 湊合著用[2]

用法說明 編輯

許多寫作風格指導會建議讀者不使用 utilizeutilise,認為直接用 use 更好(同樣地,名詞 use 也要優於 utilizationutilisation)。[3][4][5][6]在一般場景下,使用本詞可能會顯得比較浮誇(如「please utilise the rear door when exiting the aircraft」),因此權威辭書也會建議謹慎使用。[7]

但在某些情況下,utilise 比需要迂言的 use 更合適,比如:

  • 「投入使用」,如「... utilise the production capacities of the local industries fully before ordering from foreign industries」;
  • 「消耗、消費」,如「... utilise the support that the system provides, such as by making the most of tax exemptions and special supplies」;
  • 「充分利用」,如「... farmers must utilise their land fully to boost food security」.

近義詞 編輯

衍生詞彙 編輯

參考 編輯

  1. utilise」, Dictionary.com Unabridged, Dictionary.com, LLC, 1995–present
  2. T.A.R. Cheney, Getting the Words Right, Writer's Digest Books (1983).
  3. Sir Ernest Gowers 1965 The Complete Plain Words Oxford: Oxford University Press
  4. Eric Partridge 1973 Usage and Abusage: A Guide to Good English England: Penguin Books
  5. John E. Kahn (ed) 1985 The Right Word at the Right Time London:Readers Digest
  6. Pam Peters 1995 The Cambridge Australian English Style Guide Cambridge:Cambridge University Press
  7. New Oxford American Dictionary 3rd edition (c) 2010 by Oxford University Press, Inc.

法語 編輯

動詞 編輯


  1. utiliser 的屈折變化形式:
    1. 第一人稱/第三人稱單數現在時直陳式/虛擬式
    2. 第二人稱單數命令式