英語 編輯

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whack off (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 whacks off,現在分詞 whacking off,一般過去時及過去分詞 whacked off)

  1. (不及物及物俚語) 打飛機
    • 1969, Philip Roth, 「Cunt Crazy」, 出自 Portnoy’s Complaint, New York: Random House:
      Did I mention that when I was fifteen I took it out of my pants and whacked off on the 107 bus from New York?
    • 1979, William Styron, 章號 14, 出自 Sophie’s Choice, New York: Random House:
      [] why is it that I am discomfited by the bizarre fact that the one thing she will do, though in a pleasureless and rather perfunctory way, is to whack me off hour after hour until I am a lifeless and juiceless stalk, exhausted and even humiliated by this dumb pursuit?

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