英語 编辑

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詞源 编辑

源自法語 chandelier,來自拉丁語 candelabrum,來自candela (蠟燭)candelabrum同源對似詞,參見candle

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名詞 编辑

chandelier (複數 chandeliers)

  1. 吊燈
    • 1929, M. Barnard Eldershaw, A House Is Built, Chapter VII, Section vi
      She opened the drawing-room door in trepidation. Would she find Esther drowned with her head in the goldfish bowl, or hanged from the chandelier by her stay-lace?
  2. (auction) 用於提高拍賣價格的虛構競標者
    近義詞: wall
    • 2007, Frank Pope, "Dragon Sea: a true tale of treasure, archeology, and greed off the coast of Vietnam", Harcourt Books, p. 306.
      A mysterious phone bidder was grabbing the pieces that no one else wanted—Mensun suspected this was the auction house "bidding against the chandelier," protecting itself against selling too low.
  3. (obsolete軍事) 用於支持臨時木柵欄的便攜式框架
    • 1747, James Boswell, The Scots Book, volume 9, p. 37. [1]
      Chandelier. A wooden frame, whereon are laid fascines or faggots, to cover the workmen in making approaches.
    • 1994, Todd A. Shallat, Structures in the Stream: Water, Science, and the Rise of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, University of Texas Press, p. 32.
      Europeans solved this problem by building a temporary fence with tightly bound sticks ("fascines") stacked into wooden frames ("chandeliers").
  4. (外科學) 用於眼睛手術的內照射器

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詞源1 编辑

來自拉丁語 candēlābrum,和後綴變化。candélabre同源對似詞

名詞 编辑

chandelier m (複數 chandeliers)

  1. 燭臺
  2. 吊燈
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詞源2 编辑

chandelle +‎ -ier或來自中世紀拉丁語 candelārius。對照加泰羅尼亞語 candeler意大利語 candelaio西班牙語 candelero

名詞 编辑

chandelier m (複數 chandeliers)

  1. 製造或販賣蠟燭的人

延伸閱讀 编辑

西班牙語 编辑

名詞 编辑

chandelier m (複數 chandelieres)

  1. 吊燈