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egg on (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 eggs on,現在分詞 egging on,一般過去時及過去分詞 egged on)

  1. (及物俗語) 唆使怂恿哄骗 尤指让某人去干蠢事或鲁莽的事
    • 1892, Lesslie Hall (translator), 章號 35, 出自 Beowulf:
      Then I heard that at morning one brother the other / With edges of irons egged on to murder,
    • 1908, Robert Louis Stevenson, 章號 25, 出自 In the South Seas:
      He resented the idea of interference from those who had [] egged him on to a new peril.
    • 1912, P. G. Wodehouse, 章號 8, 出自 The Adventures of Sally:
      She had deliberately egged him on to wreck his prospects.

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