英语 编辑

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词源 编辑

源自中古英語 skirmish (动词),源自古法語 escarmouche (小规模冲突),源自意大利語 scaramuccia,早期形式schermugioescarmoucheScaramouche同源對似詞

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名词 编辑

skirmish (複數 skirmishes)

  1. (軍事)规模冲突遭遇战
  2. (比喻義引申) 冲突口角打斗
    Three people were arrested after a skirmish in a bar.
  3. (使用彩弹等的)户外拟真枪械游戏

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动词 编辑

skirmish (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 skirmishes,現在分詞 skirmishing,一般過去時及過去分詞 skirmished)

  1. 参与小规模冲突;参与打斗
    • 2019, Adrian Tchaikovsky, Children of Ruin, Macmillan,頁號 376:
      Other historians might also remark that [] they have persisted all this time, constantly wrestling and skirmishing and yet never destroying themselves.