英语 编辑

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词源 编辑

源自中古英語 sutour,源自盎格魯-諾曼語 suytourseuter,源自晚期拉丁語 secutor (跟隨者,追求者)

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名词 编辑

suitor (複數 suitors)

  1. 追求者,求愛者,求婚
    • 1999, Martha Craven Nussbaum, Sex and Social Justice (ISBN 9780195110326), page 316:
      (Notice that "Lysias" begins from the realistic assumption that an attractive young man with many suitors will "gratify" one of them, the only question being which. Rightly or wrongly, he treats the question, "Shall I at all?" as already resolved.)
  2. (引申) 有意合作接洽收購
    • 2016, Gary D. McGugan, Three Weeks Less a Day (page 43)
      [] and Mortimer asserted he had no shortage of suitors ready, willing, and able to make acquisition loans []
  3. (法律) 起訴
  4. 請願者,懇求

动词 编辑

suitor (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 suitors,現在分詞 suitoring,一般過去時及過去分詞 suitored)

  1. 追求求愛求婚

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