
英语 编辑

发音 编辑

  • 英語發音ŭp-tīt'國際音標(幫助)/ʌpˈtaɪt/
  • (英国南部)音频(檔案)
  • 韻部:-aɪt

形容词 编辑

uptight (比較級 uptighter more uptight最高級 uptightest most uptight)

  1. (口語) 正经死板
    Don't be so uptight! You won't go to jail for crossing the street against the light.
  2. 紧张的,压抑
  3. (口語)压抑
    He came from a very uptight religious background, but you wouldn't know that now!
  4. (口語) 粗鲁
    • 1987, Bruce Robinson, Withnail and I:
      Withnail: Just because the best tailoring you’ve ever seen is above your fucking appendix doesn’t mean anything. / Danny: Don’t get uptight with me, man.

名词 编辑

uptight (複數 uptights)

  1. (口語) 有上述形容词特征的人

参见 编辑