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借自拉丁語 aestimatus,是aestimō的過去分詞,舊形式為aestumo (重視,尊敬,評價);來自古拉丁語 *ais-temos (切銅的人),意指在羅馬共和國鑄造牆壁的人。參見esteem同源對似詞,以及aim

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estimate (複數 estimates)

  1. 估計
  2. (construction and business) 估價單
    • 1928, Lawrence R. Bourne, 章號 3, 出自 Well Tackled![1]:
      “They know our boats will stand up to their work,” said Willison, “and that counts for a good deal. A low estimate from us doesn't mean scamped work, but just that we want to keep the yard busy over a slack time.”
  3. 估計數:對某些肯定數量上限
    • 1992, Louis de Branges, “The convergence of Euler functions”, 出自 Journal of Functional Analysis, →DOI,頁號 185:
      The desired norm estimate is now obtained from the identity... [referring to an earlier statement saying that a certain norm is less than or equal to a certain expression]

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estimate (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 estimates,現在分詞 estimating,一般過去時及過去分詞 estimated)

  1. 估計預估預計估算
    • 1965, Ian Hacking, Logic of Statistical Inference[2]:
      I estimate that I need 400 board feet of lumber to complete a job, and then order 350 because I do not want a surplus, or perhaps order 450 because I do not want to make any subsequent orders.
    • 2003, Alexander J. Field, Gregory Clark, William A. Sundstrom, Research in Economic History[3]:
      Higher real prices for durables are estimated to have reduced their consumption per capita by 1.09% in 1930, []
  2. 評斷判斷

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  1. estimare 的屈折变化形式:
    1. 第二人稱複數現在時直陳式
    2. 第二人稱複數命令式

詞源2 编辑

分詞 编辑

estimate f 

  1. estimato陰性複數

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  1. estimar第二人稱單數voseo命令式te 的合詞