英语 编辑

词源 编辑

< 中古英语 < 古英语 andlang,构自 and- + lang(长)。

发音 编辑

  • DJ:
  • DJ US:
  • KK US:
  • 文档

介词 编辑

  1. 沿着,顺着
    along the road 沿街
    walk along the beach 在海边走(沿着海滩走)
    looked for a book along the shelves 挨架找一本书
  2. 靠着
    along the side of a river 河岸边
  3. 沿着…的某处
    His office is just along the corridor. 他的办公室你沿着走廊走下去就到了。

副词 编辑

  1. 向前
    walking along singing to myself 边走边唱
  2. 与…一道
    You should come along. 你应该来啊。
    along with 除…以外,还有
    She lost her job when her factory was closed, along with thousands of others. 工厂倒闭时,她和其他几千人一样失业了。
  3. 越来越(好)
    The book's coming along nicely. 这本书愈来愈好看了。

相关词汇 编辑