英語 編輯

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副詞 編輯

askance (不可比)

  1. 掃視 不贊成地;懷疑地
    The beggar asked for change, but the haughty woman only looked at him askance.
    • 1932Clark Ashton Smith, The Maker of Gargoyles
      The scandal of opposition died down, and the stone-carver himself, though the town-folk continued to eye him askance, was able to secure other work through the favor of discriminating patrons.
  2. 傾斜地; 躲躲閃閃
    • 1896H. G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau, chapter 8
      I glanced askance at this strange creature, and found him watching me with his queer, restless eyes.
    • 1878Henry James, The Europeans, chapter 1
      ...the head-stones in the grave-yard beneath seemed to be holding themselves askance to keep it out of their faces.

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形容詞 編輯

askance (無比較級)

  1. 傾斜着,特別是眼睛

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