英語 編輯

詞源 編輯

definite +‎ -ly

發音 編輯

  • (英國美國) 國際音標(幫助)/ˈdɛf.ɪnɪt.li/, /ˈdɛf.ənɪt.li/, /ˈdɛf.nɪt.li/
  • 音頻 (美國)(檔案)

副詞 編輯

definitely (比較級 more definitely最高級 most definitely)

  1. 肯定
    Joe definitely doesn't know how to drive a tractor.
    She said she wasn't coming, definitely.
  2. 明確地,決定
    • 1912, Joseph Conrad, A Personal Record Chapter IV
      It was really impossible on board that ship to get away definitely from Almayer
    • 1916, Claud Field (translator), Nikolai Gogol, The Nose, (1836)
      And the Nose definitely turned away.
    • 2003, Herbert Mitgang, Once Upon a Time in New York (page 187)
      And these Elders were men of good standing in that community, and they swore definitely before the counsel that this lady committed this impropriety, and there was nobody to gainsay that, except the lady herself, []

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