
英语 编辑

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  1. (網路用語text messaging) by the way (順便問一句,順便說一下)之首字母縮略詞
    • 1981 6月 14, harpo!ber, “Lion's Book”, 出自 fa.unix-wizards[1] (Usenet), retrieved 2016-07-02, message-ID <anews.Aharpo.261>:
      Last I heard, the books could not be copied in any part nor seen by non-licensees. BTW – Irma Biren has been promoted (she deserved it) and the new contact would be Francine Glick.
    • 1989 5月 8, Vince Perriello (Editor in Chief), “Volume 6, Number 19”, 出自 FidoNews[2],於2005-01-18歸檔自原頁面:
      BTW – By The Way

异序词 编辑

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  • 文檔

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BTW (不可數)

  1. belasting op toegevoegde waarde之首字母縮略詞增值稅

荷兰语 编辑

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名词 编辑

BTW f (不可數)

  1. (非官方) btw (增值稅)的大小寫替代形式

塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语 编辑

词源 编辑

借自英語 BTW (by the way)

副词 编辑

BTW (西里爾字母拼寫 БТВ)

  1. (網際網路text messaging) by the way (順便問一句,順便說一下)之首字母縮略詞