

在"incategory ..."過濾器後添加搜索文字:









屬性 entry_namesort_key 用於替換文本;它們替換或刪除某些字符或字符集。其工作原理相似,且都是可選的。它們都可以是表,sort_key 可以是一個模塊的名稱,該模塊接收一個條目名並生成一個排序鍵(用於在類別頁面上對條目進行排序)。

if sort_key is the name of a module, the module must contain a sortkey-generating function that is named makeSortKey. This function must take the arguments text, lang, sc, where text is the page name (or other text in the language), lang is the language code (not the language object), and sc is the script code (not the script object). The returned value should always be a string, or there will be a module error in the Language:makeSortKey() function.

If either one is a table, it must contain two tables inside it: one named from and one named to. These two tables are organised pairwise: each element in from is a pattern to identify which characters in the term to replace, while the corresponding element in to defines what to replace them with.

If the replacement is not present or if it is false or nil, it defaults to an empty replacement, meaning that the matching characters are removed altogether. This means that the from list can be longer than the to list, and an empty replacement will be assumed for any elements in from that have no counterpart in to.

The tables can contain literal characters, or the patterns (a type of regular expressions) that are used by the standard Scribunto mw.ustring.gsub function. See the Scribunto reference manual for more information.

At the top of the module, there is a list of combining characters with names. These are provided for convenience and readability, as combining characters generally do not display properly inside the module code (although they do not affect the actual operation of the module).

Defines replacements to create the entry name from the displayed form of a term. This can be used to remove certain diacritical marks according to the customs or standard practice of the language. For example, it is used to remove accent marks from Russian words (ру́сскийрусский), or macrons from Latin or Old English words (ōsos), as these are not used in the normal written form of these languages. This is used by makeEntryName in Module:languages.
Defines replacements to create a category sort key from the page name. The purpose is to remove any characters that are ignored in sorting, and to replace similar characters with identical ones if the sorting rules for that language do not distinguish them. For example, in German, the characters "ä" and "a" are considered equivalent for sorting, and are both treated as "a". The page name is converted to lowercase before applying the replacements, so you should not add uppercase letters to the "from" lists. This is used by makeSortKey in Module:languages.

These are other optional values:

  • regular-這個值是默認值,所以不需要特別指定。這表示該語言的詞彙符合Wiktionary:收录标准,因此被允許放在主命名空間中。該語言可能也有重構的詞彙,則這些詞彙應被放在重構(Reconstructed)命名空間中,且必須在前面加「*」表示重構。(註:中文維基詞典暫無 Reconstructed 空間。)
  • reconstructed - 此語言不符合Wiktionary:收录标准,因此只允許在重構命名空間中使用。這類語言中的所有詞彙都是重建得到的,必須在前面加上「*」。
  • appendix-constructed - 這種語言已經通過驗證,但不符合對重構語言的額外要求(Wiktionary:收录标准#構建語言)。因此,其詞彙必須放在附錄(Appendix)命名空間中;又因為它們不是透過重建得到的,因此不應該在鏈接中加上「*」前綴。
A list of script codes, see Wiktionary:Scripts. These represent all the scripts (writing systems) that this language uses in the real world, as well as the ones that Wiktionary uses. The scripts that are used most often on Wiktionary should be first in the list, as this will speed up script detection.
Many templates and modules detect the script of text in a particular language using the findBestScript function in Module:scripts. This function goes down the list of scripts and counts how many characters in the text belong to each script. If all the characters belong to one script, that script will be returned; otherwise, the script with the most characters will be returned. Thus, script detection will be faster if the most frequently used scripts are first in the list.
The name of a module that is used to generate transliterations of terms, without the Module: prefix. This module must export a function named tr that is defined as follows:
tr(text, lang, sc)
The three parameters are the text to be transliterated, the language code, and the script code. The function can ignore the language and script codes, but they are provided for cases when a language has more than one script, or when a single function is used to transliterate multiple languages sharing the same script.
A table listing the language codes of the direct ancestors of this language. For example, the ancestor of English is listed as enm (Middle English); ang (Old English, the ancestor of Middle English), gem-pro (Proto-Germanic, the ancestor of Old English), and ine-pro (Proto-Indo-European, the ancestor of Proto-Germanic) are not listed.
For most languages, only one ancestor code should be given, but multiple ancestors can be listed for pidgins, creoles and mixed languages.
The ancestor language table should not be included if the language's direct ancestor is the proto-language of the family to which the language belongs. In such a case, if the family code has been provided, Module:languages will automatically add the proto-language as the language's ancestor. For example, Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) belongs to the Indo-European (ine) family, and its direct ancestor is Proto-Indo-European (ine-pro). Because Proto-Indo-European is the proto-language of the Indo-European languages, Proto-Germanic does not need an ancestors table; Proto-Indo-European will be automatically returned as its ancestor by the getAncestors function.
A table listing the Wikimedia language codes that this language maps to. This is used to translate Wiktionary codes to Wikimedia codes, which are usually the same but there are a few languages where it is different. The language codes must be valid Wikimedia codes (as determined by the wiki software), and if they are not defined in one of the language data modules, they must be defined in Module:wikimedia languages/data.
The name of the Wikipedia article for the language. Should normally only be supplied if the Wikidata id cannot be used.