This module implements {{place}}
. Comments can be found throughout the module explaining it. Data describing the recognized placetypes and how to categorize them can be found in Module:place/data. The recognized place names are generally found in Module:place/shared-data, which (as the name suggests) is shared by Module:place/data and Module:category tree/topic cat/data/Places (which handles the generation of page contents for place categories such as Category:en:Cities in Osaka Prefecture).
local export = {}
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local m_langs = require("Module:languages")
local m_strutils = require("Module:string utilities")
local m_debug = require("Module:debug")
local data = require("Module:place/data")
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match
local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rsplit = mw.text.split
local cat_data = data.cat_data
local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText
----------- Wikicode utility functions
-- Return a wikilink link [[text#language|text]]
local function link(text, language, id)
if not language or language == "" then
return text
return "[[" .. text .. "#" .. m_langs.getByCode(language):getCanonicalName() .. "|" .. text .. "]]"
-- Return the category link for a category, given the language code and the
-- name of the category.
local function catlink(lang, text, sort_key)
return require("Module:utilities").format_categories({lang:getCanonicalName() .. " " .. data.remove_links_and_html(text)}, lang, sort_key)
---------- Basic utility functions
-- Add the page to a tracking "category". To see the pages in the "category",
-- go to [[Template:tracking/place/PAGE]] and click on "What links here".
local function track(page)
m_debug.track("place/" .. page)
return true
local function ucfirst_all(text)
if text:find(" ") then
local parts = rsplit(text, " ", true)
for i, part in ipairs(parts) do
parts[i] = m_strutils.ucfirst(part)
return table.concat(parts, " ")
return m_strutils.ucfirst(text)
local function lc(text)
return mw.getContentLanguage():lc(text)
-- Fetches the synergy table from cat_data, which describes the format of
-- glosses consisting of <placetype1> and <placetype2>.
-- The parameters are tables in the format {placetype, placename, langcode}.
local function get_synergy_table(place1, place2)
if not place2 then
return nil
local pt_data = data.get_equiv_placetype_prop(place2[1], function(pt) return cat_data[pt] end)
if not pt_data or not pt_data.synergy then
return nil
if not place1 then
place1 = {}
local synergy = data.get_equiv_placetype_prop(place1[1], function(pt) return pt_data.synergy[pt] end)
return synergy or pt_data.synergy["default"]
---------- Argument parsing functions and utilities
-- Given a place spec (see parse_place_specs()) and a holonym spec (the return value
-- of split_holonym()), add a key/value into the place spec corresponding to the
-- placetype and placename of the holonym spec. For example, corresponding to the
-- holonym "country/Italy", a key "country" with the list value {"Italy"} will be
-- added to the place spec. If there is already a key with that place type, the new
-- placename will be added to the end of the value's list.
local function key_holonym_spec_into_place_spec(place_spec, holonym_spec)
if not holonym_spec[1] then
return place_spec
local equiv_placetypes = data.get_placetype_equivs(holonym_spec[1])
local placename = holonym_spec[2]
for _, equiv in ipairs(equiv_placetypes) do
local placetype = equiv.placetype
if not place_spec[placetype] then
place_spec[placetype] = {placename}
place_spec[placetype][table.getn(place_spec[placetype]) + 1] = placename
return place_spec
-- Implement "implications", i.e. where the presence of a given holonym causes additional
-- holonym(s) to be added. There are two types of implications, general implications
-- (which apply to both display and categorization) and category implications (which apply
-- only to categorization). PLACE_SPECS is the return value of parse_place_specs(), i.e.
-- one or more place specs, collectively describing the data passed to {{place}}.
-- IMPLICATION_DATA is the data used to implement the implications, i.e. a table indexed
-- by holonym placetype, each value of which is a table indexed by holonym place name,
-- each value of which is a list of "PLACETYPE/PLACENAME" holonyms to be added to the
-- end of the list of holonyms. SHOULD_CLONE specifies whether to clone a given place spec
-- before modifying it.
local function handle_implications(place_specs, implication_data, should_clone)
-- handle category implications
for n, spec in ipairs(place_specs) do
local lastarg = table.getn(spec)
local cloned = false
for c = 3, lastarg do
local imp_data = data.get_equiv_placetype_prop(spec[c][1], function(pt)
local implication = implication_data[pt] and implication_data[pt][data.remove_links_and_html(spec[c][2])]
if implication then
return implication
if imp_data then
if should_clone and not cloned then
spec = mw.clone(spec)
cloned = true
place_specs[n] = spec
for i, holonym_to_add in ipairs(imp_data) do
local split_holonym = rsplit(holonym_to_add, "/", true)
if #split_holonym ~= 2 then
error("Invalid holonym in implications: " .. holonym_to_add)
local holonym_placetype, holonym_placename = split_holonym[1], split_holonym[2]
local new_holonym = {holonym_placetype, holonym_placename}
spec[table.getn(spec) + i] = new_holonym
key_holonym_spec_into_place_spec(spec, new_holonym)
-- Look up a placename in an alias table, handling links appropriately.
-- If the alias isn't found, return nil.
local function lookup_placename_alias(placename, aliases)
-- If the placename is a link, apply the alias inside the link.
-- This pattern matches both piped and unpiped links. If the link is not
-- piped, the second capture (linktext) will be empty.
local link, linktext = rmatch(placename, "^%[%[([^|%]]+)%|?(.-)%]%]$")
if link then
if linktext ~= "" then
local alias = aliases[linktext]
return alias and "[[" .. link .. "|" .. alias .. "]]" or nil
local alias = aliases[link]
return alias and "[[" .. alias .. "]]" or nil
return aliases[placename]
-- Split a holonym placename on commas but don't split on comma+space. This way, we split on
-- "Poland,Belarus,Ukraine" but keep "Tucson, Arizona" together.
local function split_holonym_placename(placename)
if placename:find(", ") then
local placenames = rsplit(placename, ",", true)
local retval = {}
for i, placename in ipairs(placenames) do
if i > 1 and placename:find("^ ") then
retval[#retval] = retval[#retval] .. "," .. placename
table.insert(retval, placename)
return retval
return rsplit(placename, ",", true)
-- Split a holonym (e.g. "continent/Europe" or "country/en:Italy" or "in southern"
-- or "r:suf/O'Higgins") into its components. Return value is
-- {PLACETYPE, PLACENAME, LANGCODE, MODIFIERS}, e.g. {"country", "Italy", "en", {}} or
-- {"region", "O'Higgins", nil, {"suf"}}. If there isn't a slash (e.g. "in southern"),
-- the first element will be nil. Placetype aliases (e.g. "r" for "region") and
-- placename aliases (e.g. "US" or "USA" for "United States") will be expanded.
local function split_holonym(datum)
-- Don't use rsplit() in case of slash in holonym placename, e.g. Admaston/Bromley.
local holonym_placetype, holonym_placename = rmatch(datum, "^(.-)/(.*)$")
if holonym_placetype then
datum = {holonym_placetype, holonym_placename}
datum = {nil, datum}
-- Check for langcode before the holonym placename, but don't get tripped up by
-- Wikipedia links, which begin "[[w:...]]" or "[[wikipedia:]]".
local langcode, holonym_placename = rmatch(datum[2], "^([^%[%]]-):(.*)$")
if langcode then
datum[2] = holonym_placename
datum[3] = langcode
-- Check for modifiers after the holonym placetype.
if datum[1] then
local split_holonym_placetype = rsplit(datum[1], ":", true)
datum[1] = split_holonym_placetype[1]
local modifiers = {}
local i = 2
while true do
if split_holonym_placetype[i] then
table.insert(modifiers, split_holonym_placetype[i])
i = i + 1
datum[4] = modifiers
datum[4] = {}
if datum[1] then
datum[1] = data.placetype_aliases[datum[1]] or datum[1]
datum[2] = data.get_equiv_placetype_prop(datum[1],
function(pt) return data.placename_display_aliases[pt] and lookup_placename_alias(datum[2], data.placename_display_aliases[pt]) end
) or datum[2]
if not datum[3] then
datum[3] = "zh"
if datum[1] and datum[2]:find(",") then
local placenames = split_holonym_placename(datum[2])
local retval = {}
for _, placename in ipairs(placenames) do
local holonym = {datum[1], placename, datum[3], datum[4]}
table.insert(retval, holonym)
return retval, true
return datum, false
-- Parse a "new-style" place spec, with placetypes and holonyms surrounded by <<...>>
-- amid otherwise raw text. Return value is a place spec, as documented in
-- parse_place_specs().
local function parse_new_style_place_spec(text)
local placetypes = {}
local segments = m_strutils.capturing_split(text, "<<(.-)>>")
local retval = {"foobar", true, order = {}}
for i, segment in ipairs(segments) do
if i % 2 == 1 then
table.insert(retval.order, {"raw", segment})
elseif segment:find("/") then
local holonym, is_multi = split_holonym(segment)
if is_multi then
for j, single_holonym in ipairs(holonym) do
if j > 1 then
if j == #holonym then
table.insert(retval.order, {"raw", " and "})
table.insert(retval.order, {"raw", ", "})
-- Signal that "the" needs to be added if appropriate
table.insert(single_holonym[4], "_art_")
table.insert(retval, single_holonym)
table.insert(retval.order, {"holonym", #retval})
key_holonym_spec_into_place_spec(retval, single_holonym)
table.insert(retval, holonym)
table.insert(retval.order, {"holonym", #retval})
key_holonym_spec_into_place_spec(retval, holonym)
-- see if the placetype segment is just qualifiers
local only_qualifiers = true
local split_segments = rsplit(segment, " ", true)
for _, split_segment in ipairs(split_segments) do
if not data.placetype_qualifiers[split_segment] then
only_qualifiers = false
table.insert(placetypes, {segment, only_qualifiers})
if only_qualifiers then
table.insert(retval.order, {"qualifier", segment})
table.insert(retval.order, {"placetype", segment})
local final_placetypes = {}
for i, placetype in ipairs(placetypes) do
if i > 1 and placetypes[i - 1][2] then
final_placetypes[#final_placetypes] = final_placetypes[#final_placetypes] .. " " .. placetypes[i][1]
table.insert(final_placetypes, placetypes[i][1])
retval[2] = final_placetypes
return retval
-- Process numeric args (except for the language code in 1=). The return value is one or
-- more "place specs", each one corresponding to a single semicolon-separated combination of
-- placetype + holonyms in the numeric arguments. A given place spec is a table
-- For example, the call {{place|en|city|s/Pennsylvania|c/US}} will result in a place spec
-- {"foobar", {"city"}, {"state", "Pennsylvania"}, {"country", "United States"}, state={"Pennsylvania"}, country={"United States"}}.
-- Here, the placetype aliases "s" and "c" have been expanded into "state" and "country"
-- respectively, and the placename alias "US" has been expanded into "United States".
-- PLACETYPES is a list because there may be more than one (e.g. the call
-- {{place|en|city/and/county|s/California}} will result in a place spec
-- {"foobar", {"city", "and", "county"}, {"state", "California"}, state={"California"}})
-- and the value in the key/value pairs is likewise a list (e.g. the call
-- {{place|en|city|s/Kansas|and|s/Missouri}} will result in a place spec
-- {"foobar", {"city"}, {"state", "Kansas"}, {nil, "and"}, {"state", "Missouri"}, state={"Kansas", "Missouri"}}).
local function parse_place_specs(numargs)
local specs = {}
local c = 1
local cY = 1
local cX = 2
local last_was_new_style = false
while numargs[c] do
if numargs[c] == ";" or numargs[c]:find("^;[^ ]") then
if numargs[c] == ";" then
specs[cY].joiner = "; "
elseif numargs[c] == ";;" then
specs[cY].joiner = " "
local joiner = numargs[c]:sub(2)
if rfind(joiner, "^%a") then
specs[cY].joiner = " " .. joiner .. " "
specs[cY].joiner = joiner .. " "
cY = cY + 1
cX = 2
last_was_new_style = false
if numargs[c]:find("<<") then
if cX > 2 then
cY = cY + 1
cX = 2
specs[cY] = parse_new_style_place_spec(numargs[c])
last_was_new_style = true
cX = cX + 1
if last_was_new_style then
error("Old-style arguments cannot directly follow new-style place spec")
last_was_new_style = false
if cX == 2 then
local entry_placetypes = rsplit(numargs[c], "/", true)
for n, ept in ipairs(entry_placetypes) do
entry_placetypes[n] = data.placetype_aliases[ept] or ept
specs[cY] = {"foobar", entry_placetypes}
cX = cX + 1
local holonym, is_multi = split_holonym(numargs[c])
if is_multi then
for j, single_holonym in ipairs(holonym) do
if j > 1 then
-- Signal that "the" needs to be added if appropriate
table.insert(single_holonym[4], "_art_")
if j == #holonym then
specs[cY][cX] = {nil, "and", nil, {}}
cX = cX + 1
specs[cY][cX] = single_holonym
key_holonym_spec_into_place_spec(specs[cY], specs[cY][cX])
cX = cX + 1
specs[cY][cX] = holonym
key_holonym_spec_into_place_spec(specs[cY], specs[cY][cX])
cX = cX + 1
c = c + 1
handle_implications(specs, data.implications, false)
for _, spec in ipairs(specs) do
for _, entry_placetype in ipairs(spec[2]) do
track("entry-placetype/" .. entry_placetype)
local splits = data.split_qualifiers_from_placetype(entry_placetype, "no canon qualifiers")
for _, split in ipairs(splits) do
local prev_qualifier, this_qualifier, bare_placetype = unpack(split)
track("entry-placetype/" .. bare_placetype)
track("entry-qualifier/" .. this_qualifier)
cY = 3
while spec[cY] do
if spec[cY][1] then
track("holonym-placetype/" .. spec[cY][1])
cY = cY + 1
return specs
-------- Definition-generating functions
-- Return a string with the wikilinks to the English translations of the word.
local function get_translations(transl, ids)
local ret = {}
for i, t in ipairs(transl) do
table.insert(ret, link(t, "zh", ids[i]))
return table.concat(ret, ",")
-- Return the description of a holonym, with an extra article if necessary and in the
-- wikilinked display form if necessary.
-- Examples:
-- ({"country", "United States", "en", {}}, true, true) returns the template-expanded
-- equivalent of "the {{l|en|United States}}".
-- ({"region", "O'Higgins", "en", {"suf"}}, false, true) returns the template-expanded
-- equivalent of "{{l|en|O'Higgins}} region".
local function get_holonym_description(place, display_form)
local ps = place[2]
local affix_type_pt_data, affix_type, affix, no_affix_strings, pt_equiv_for_affix_type, already_seen_affix
if display_form then
-- Implement display handlers.
local display_handler = data.get_equiv_placetype_prop(place[1], function(pt) return cat_data[pt] and cat_data[pt].display_handler end)
if display_handler then
ps = display_handler(place[1], place[2])
-- Implement adding an affix (prefix or suffix) based on the place type. The affix will be
-- added either if the place type's cat_data spec says so (by setting 'affix_type'), or if the
-- user explicitly called for this (e.g. by using 'r:suf/O'Higgins'). Before adding the affix,
-- however, we check to see if the affix is already present (e.g. the place type is "district"
-- and the place name is "Mission District"). If the place type explicitly calls for adding
-- an affix, it can override the affix to add (by setting 'affix') and/or override the strings
-- used for checking if the affix is already presen (by setting 'no_affix_strings').
affix_type_pt_data, pt_equiv_for_affix_type = data.get_equiv_placetype_prop(place[1],
function(pt) return cat_data[pt] and cat_data[pt].affix_type and cat_data[pt] end
if affix_type_pt_data then
affix_type = affix_type_pt_data.affix_type
affix = affix_type_pt_data.affix or pt_equiv_for_affix_type.placetype
no_affix_strings = affix_type_pt_data.no_affix_strings or lc(affix)
for _, mod in ipairs(place[4]) do
if (mod == "pref" or mod == "Pref" or mod == "suf" or mod == "Suf") and place[1] then
affix_type = mod
affix = place[1]
no_affix_strings = lc(affix)
already_seen_affix = no_affix_strings and data.check_already_seen_string(ps, no_affix_strings)
ps = link(ps, place[3])
if (affix_type == "suf" or affix_type == "Suf") and not already_seen_affix then
ps = ps .. " " .. (affix_type == "Suf" and ucfirst_all(affix) or affix)
if display_form then
if (affix_type == "pref" or affix_type == "Pref") and not already_seen_affix then
ps = (affix_type == "Pref" and ucfirst_all(affix) or affix) .. " of " .. ps
return ps
-- Return a special description generated from a synergy table fetched from
-- the data module and two place tables.
local function get_synergic_description(synergy, place1, place2)
local desc = ""
if place1 then
if synergy.before then
desc = desc .. " " .. synergy.before
desc = desc .. " " .. get_holonym_description(place1, true)
if synergy.between then
desc = desc .. " " .. synergy.between
desc = desc .. " " .. get_holonym_description(place2, true)
if synergy.after then
desc = desc .. " " .. synergy.after
return desc
-- Return a string that contains the information of how a given place (place2)
-- should be formatted in the gloss, considering the entry’s place type, the
-- place preceding it in the template’s parameter (place1) and following it
-- (place3), and whether it is the first place (parameter 4 of the function).
local function get_contextual_holonym_description(place1, place2, place3, first)
local desc = ""
local synergy = get_synergy_table(place2, place3)
if synergy then
return ""
synergy = get_synergy_table(place1, place2)
if not synergy then
desc = desc .. get_holonym_description(place2, true)
desc = desc .. get_synergic_description(synergy, place1, place2)
return desc
local function get_linked_placetype(placetype)
local linked_version = data.placetype_links[placetype]
if linked_version then
if linked_version == true then
return "[[" .. placetype .. "]]"
elseif linked_version == "w" then
return "[[w:" .. placetype .. "|" .. placetype .. "]]"
return linked_version
local sg_placetype = data.maybe_singularize(placetype)
if sg_placetype then
local linked_version = data.placetype_links[sg_placetype]
if linked_version then
if linked_version == true then
return "[[" .. sg_placetype .. "|" .. placetype .. "]]"
elseif linked_version == "w" then
return "[[w:" .. sg_placetype .. "|" .. placetype .. "]]"
return m_strutils.pluralize(linked_version)
return nil
-- Return the linked description of a placetype. This splits off any
-- qualifiers and displays them separately.
local function get_placetype_description(placetype)
local linked_version = get_linked_placetype(placetype)
if linked_version then
return linked_version
local splits = data.split_qualifiers_from_placetype(placetype)
local prefix = ""
for _, split in ipairs(splits) do
local prev_qualifier, this_qualifier, bare_placetype = unpack(split)
prefix = (prev_qualifier and prev_qualifier .. " " .. this_qualifier or this_qualifier) .. " "
local linked_version = get_linked_placetype(bare_placetype)
if linked_version then
return prefix .. " " .. linked_version
placetype = bare_placetype
return prefix .. placetype
-- Return the linked description of a qualifier (which may be multiple words).
local function get_qualifier_description(qualifier)
local splits = data.split_qualifiers_from_placetype(qualifier .. " foo")
local prev_qualifier, this_qualifier, bare_placetype = unpack(splits[#splits])
return prev_qualifier and prev_qualifier .. " " .. this_qualifier or this_qualifier
-- Return a string with extra information that is sometimes added to a
-- definition. This consists of the tag, a whitespace and the value (wikilinked
-- if it language contains a language code; if sentence == true, ". " is added
-- before the string and the first character is made upper case.
-- Return a string with extra information that is sometimes added to a
-- definition. This consists of the tag, a whitespace and the value (wikilinked
-- if it language contains a language code; if sentence == true, ". " is added
-- before the string and the first character is made upper case.
local function get_extra_info(tag, values, sentence, auto_plural, with_colon)
if not values then
return ""
if type(values) ~= "table" then
values = {values}
if #values == 0 then
return ""
if auto_plural and #values > 1 then
tag = m_strutils.pluralize(tag)
if with_colon then
tag = tag .. ":"
local linked_values = {}
for _, value in ipairs(values) do
-- Check for langcode before the holonym placename, but don't get tripped up by
-- Wikipedia links, which begin "[[w:...]]" or "[[wikipedia:]]".
local langcode, holonym_placename = rmatch(value, "^([^%[%]]-):(.*)$")
if langcode then
value = link(holonym_placename, langcode)
value = link(value, "zh")
table.insert(linked_values, value)
local s = ""
if sentence then
s = s .. "。" .. m_strutils.ucfirst(tag)
s = s .. ";" .. tag
return s .. " " .. require("Module:table").serialCommaJoin(linked_values)
-- Get the full description of an old-style place spec (with separate arguments for
-- the placetype and each holonym).
local function get_old_style_gloss(args, spec, sentence)
local pre_gloss = ""
local pos_gloss = ""
-- The placetype used to determine whether "in" or "of" follows is the last placetype if there are
-- multiple slash-separated placetypes, but ignoring "and", "or" and parenthesized notes
-- such as "(one of 254)".
for n2, placetype in ipairs(spec[2]) do
if placetype == "and" or placetype == "和" or placetype == "與" or placetype == "及" then
pre_gloss = pre_gloss .. "及"
elseif placetype == "or" or placetype == "或" then
pre_gloss = pre_gloss .. "或"
elseif placetype:find("^%(") then
-- Check for placetypes beginning with a paren (so that things
-- like "{{place|en|county/(one of 254)|s/Texas}}" work).
pre_gloss = pre_gloss .. placetype
-- Join multiple placetypes with comma unless placetypes are already
-- joined with "and". We allow "the" to precede the second placetype
-- if they're not joined with "and" (so we get "city and county seat of ..."
-- but "city, the county seat of ...").
if n2 > 1 and spec[2][n2-1] ~= "and" and spec[2][n2-1] ~= "和" and spec[2][n2-1] ~= "與" and spec[2][n2-1] ~= "及" and spec[2][n2-1] ~= "or" and spec[2][n2-1] ~= "或" then
pre_gloss = pre_gloss .. ","
pre_gloss = pre_gloss .. get_placetype_description(placetype)
if args["also"] then
pre_gloss = pre_gloss .. "及" .. args["also"]
pre_gloss = pre_gloss .. "名,位於"
local c = 3
while spec[c] do
local prev = nil
if c > 3 then
prev = spec[c-1]
prev = {}
pos_gloss = get_contextual_holonym_description(prev, spec[c], spec[c+1], (c == 3)) .. pos_gloss
c = c + 1
return pre_gloss .. pos_gloss
-- Get the full description of a new-style place spec. New-style place specs are
-- specified with a single string containing raw text interspersed with placetypes
-- and holonyms surrounded by <<...>>.
local function get_new_style_gloss(args, spec)
local parts = {}
for _, order in ipairs(spec.order) do
local segment_type, segment = order[1], order[2]
if segment_type == "raw" then
table.insert(parts, segment)
elseif segment_type == "placetype" then
table.insert(parts, get_placetype_description(segment))
elseif segment_type == "qualifier" then
table.insert(parts, get_qualifier_description(segment))
elseif segment_type == "holonym" then
table.insert(parts, get_holonym_description(spec[segment], true))
error("Internal error: Unrecognized segment type '" .. segment_type .. "'")
return table.concat(parts)
-- Return a string with the gloss (the description of the place itself, as
-- opposed to translations). If sentence == true, the gloss’s first letter is
-- made upper case and a period is added to the end.
local function get_gloss(args, specs, sentence)
if args["def"] then
return args["def"]
local glosses = {}
for n, spec in ipairs(specs) do
if spec.order then
table.insert(glosses, get_new_style_gloss(args, spec, n == 1))
table.insert(glosses, get_old_style_gloss(args, spec, n == 1, sentence))
if spec.joiner then
table.insert(glosses, spec.joiner)
local ret = {table.concat(glosses)}
local placetype = specs[1][2][1]
if placetype == "county" or placetype == "counties" then
placetype = "county seat"
elseif placetype == "parish" or placetype == "parishes" then
placetype = "parish seat"
elseif placetype == "borough" or placetype == "boroughs" then
placetype = "borough seat"
placetype = "seat"
table.insert(ret, get_extra_info("現代", args["modern"], false, false, false))
table.insert(ret, get_extra_info("法定名稱", args["official"], sentence, "auto plural", "with colon"))
table.insert(ret, get_extra_info("首都", args["capital"], sentence, "auto plural", "with colon"))
table.insert(ret, get_extra_info("最大城市", args["largest city"], sentence, "auto plural", "with colon"))
table.insert(ret, get_extra_info("首都及最大城市", args["caplc"], sentence, false, "with colon"))
table.insert(ret, get_extra_info(placetype, args["seat"], sentence, "auto plural", "with colon"))
table.insert(ret, get_extra_info("縣城", args["shire town"], sentence, "auto plural", "with colon"))
return table.concat(ret)
-- Return the definition line.
local function get_def(args, specs)
if #args["t"] > 0 then
return get_translations(args["t"], args["tid"]) .. "(" .. get_gloss(args, specs, false) .. ")"
return get_gloss(args, specs, true)
---------- Functions for the category wikicode
The code in this section finds the categories to which a given place belongs. The algorithm
works off of a place spec (which specifies the entry placetype(s) and holonym(s); see
parse_place_specs()). Iterating over each entry placetype, it proceeds as follows:
(1) Look up the placetype in the `cat_data`, which comes from [[Module:place/data]]. Note that
the entry in `cat_data` that specifies the category or categories to add may directly
correspond to the entry placetype as specified in the place spec. For example, if the
entry placetype is "small town", the placetype whose data is fetched will be "town" since
"small" is a recognized qualifier and there is no entry in `cat_data` for "small town".
As another example, if the entry placetype is "administrative capital", the placetype
whose data will be fetched will be "capital city" because there's no entry in `cat_data`
for "administrative capital" but there is an entry in `placetype_equivs` in
[[Module:place/data]] that maps "administrative capital" to "capital city" for
categorization purposes.
(2) The value in `cat_data` is a two-level table. The outer table is indexed by the holonym
itself (e.g. "country/Brazil") or by "default", and the inner indexed by the holonym's
placetype (e.g. "country") or by "itself". Note that most frequently, if the outer table
is indexed by a holonym, the inner table will be indexed only by "itself", while if the
outer table is indexed by "default", the inner table will be indexed by one or more holonym
placetypes, meaning to generate a category for all holonyms of this placetype. But this
is not necessarily the case.
(3) Iterate through the holonyms, from left to right, finding the first holonym that matches
(in both placetype and placename) a key in the outer table. If no holonym matches any key,
then if a key "default" exists, use that; otherwise, if a key named "fallback" exists,
specifying a placetype, use that placetype to fetch a new `cat_data` entry, and start over
with step (1); otherwise, don't categorize.
(4) Iterate again through the holonyms, from left to right, finding the first holonym whose
placetype matches a key in the inner table. If no holonym matches any key, then if a key
"itself" exists, use that; otherwise, check for a key named "fallback" at the top level of
the `cat_data` entry and, if found, proceed as in step (3); otherwise don't categorize.
(5) The resulting value found is a list of category specs. Each category spec specifies a
category to be added. In order to understand how category specs are processed, you have to
understand the concept of the 'triggering holonym'. This is the holonym that matched an
inner key in step (4), if any; else, the holonym that matched an outer key in step (3),
if any; else, there is no triggering holonym. (The only time this happens when there are
category specs is when the outer key is "default" and the inner key is "itself".)
(6) Iterate through the category specs and construct a category from each one. Each category
spec is one of the following:
(a) A string, such as "Seas", Districts of England" or "Cities in +++". If "+++" is
contained in the string, it will be substituted with the placename of the triggering
holonym. If there is no triggering holonym, an error is thrown. This is then prefixed
with the language code specified in the first argument to the call to {{place}}.
For example, if the triggering holonym is "country/Brazil", the category spec is
"Cities in +++" and the template invocation was {{place|en|...}}, the resulting
category will be [[:Category:en:Cities in Brazil]].
(b) The value 'true'. If there is a triggering holonym, the spec "PLACETYPES in +++" or
"PLACETYPES of +++" is constructed. (Here, PLACETYPES is the plural of the entry
placetype whose cat_data is being used, which is not necessarily the same as the entry
placetype specified by the user; see the discussion above. The choice of "in" or "of"
is based on the value of the "preposition" key at the top level of the entry in
`cat_data`, defaulting to "in".) This spec is then processed as above. If there is no
triggering holonym, the simple spec "PLACETYPES" is constructed (where PLACETYPES is as
For example, consider the following entry in cat_data:
["municipality"] = {
preposition = "of",
["country/Brazil"] = {
["state"] = {"Municipalities of +++, Brazil", "Municipalities of Brazil"},
["country"] = {true},
If the user uses a template call {{place|pt|municipality|s/Amazonas|c/Brazil}}, the
categories [[:Category:pt:Municipalities of Amazonas, Brazil]] and
[[:Category:pt:Municipalities of Brazil]] will be generated. This is because the outer key
"country/Brazil" matches the second holonym "c/Brazil" (by this point, the alias "c" has
been expanded to "country"), and the inner key "state" matches the first holonym "s/Amazonas",
which serves as the triggering holonym and is used to replace the +++ in the first category
Now imagine the user uses the template call {{place|en|small municipality|c/Brazil}}. There
is no entry in `cat_data` for "small municipality", but "small" is a recognized qualifier,
and there is an entry in `cat_data` for "municipality", so that entry's data is used. Now,
the second holonym "c/Brazil" will match the outer key "country/Brazil" as before, but in
this case the second holonym will also match the inner key "country" and will serve as the
triggering holonym. The cat spec 'true' will be expanded to "Municipalities of +++", using
the placetype "municipality" corresponding to the entry in `cat_data` (not the user-specified
placetype "small municipality"), and the preposition "of", as specified in the `cat_data`
entry. The +++ will then be expanded to "Brazil" based on the triggering holonym, the language
code "en" will be prepended, and the final category will be
[[:Category:en:Municipalities of Brazil]].
-- Find the appropriate category specs for a given place spec; e.g. for the call
-- {{place|en|city|s/Pennsylvania|c/US}} which results in the place spec
-- {"foobar", {"city"}, {"state", "Pennsylvania"}, {"country", "United States"}, state={"Pennsylvania"}, country={"United States"}},
-- the return value might be be "city", {"Cities in +++, USA"}, {"state", "Pennsylvania"}, "outer"
-- (i.e. four values are returned; see below). See the comment at the top of the section for a
-- description of category specs and the overall algorithm.
-- More specifically, given the following arguments:
-- (1) the entry placetype (or equivalent) used to look up the category data in cat_data;
-- (2) the value of cat_data[placetype] for this placetype;
-- (3) the full place spec as documented in parse_place_specs() (used only for its holonyms);
-- (4) an optional overriding holonym to use, in place of iterating through the holonyms;
-- (5) if an overriding holonym was specified, either "inner" or "outer" to indicate which loop to override;
-- find the holonyms that match the outer-level and inner-level keys in the `cat_data` entry
-- according to the algorithm described in the top-of-section comment, and return the resulting
-- category specs. Four values are actually returned:
-- where
-- (1) CATEGORY_SPECS is a list of category specs as described above;
-- (2) ENTRY_PLACETYPE is the placetype that should be used to construct categories when 'true'
-- is one of the returned category specs (normally the same as the `entry_placetype` passed
-- in, but will be different when a "fallback" key exists and is used);
-- (3) TRIGGERING_HOLONYM is the triggering holonym (see the comment at the top of the section), in the
-- standard {PLACETYPE, PLACENAME} format, or nil if there was no triggering holonym;
-- (4) INNER_OR_OUTER is "inner" if the triggering holonym matched in the inner loop (whether or not a
-- holonym matched the outer loop), or "outer" if the triggering holonym matched in the outer loop
-- only, or nil if no triggering holonym.
local function find_cat_specs(entry_placetype, entry_placetype_data, place_spec, overriding_holonym, override_inner_outer)
local inner_data = nil
local outer_triggering_holonym
local function fetch_inner_data(holonym_to_match)
local holonym_placetype, holonym_placename = holonym_to_match[1], holonym_to_match[2]
holonym_placename = data.resolve_cat_aliases(holonym_placetype, holonym_placename)
local inner_data = data.get_equiv_placetype_prop(holonym_placetype,
function(pt) return entry_placetype_data[(pt or "") .. "/" .. holonym_placename] end)
if inner_data then
return inner_data
if entry_placetype_data.cat_handler then
local inner_data = data.get_equiv_placetype_prop(holonym_placetype,
function(pt) return entry_placetype_data.cat_handler(pt, holonym_placename, place_spec) end)
if inner_data then
return inner_data
return nil
if overriding_holonym and override_inner_outer == "outer" then
inner_data = fetch_inner_data(overriding_holonym)
outer_triggering_holonym = overriding_holonym
local c = 3
while place_spec[c] do
inner_data = fetch_inner_data(place_spec[c])
if inner_data then
outer_triggering_holonym = place_spec[c]
c = c + 1
if not inner_data then
inner_data = entry_placetype_data["default"]
-- If we didn't find a matching place spec, and there's a fallback, look it up.
-- This is used, for example, with "rural municipality", which has special cases for
-- some provinces of Canada and otherwise behaves like "municipality".
if not inner_data and entry_placetype_data.fallback then
return find_cat_specs(entry_placetype_data.fallback, cat_data[entry_placetype_data.fallback], place_spec, overriding_holonym, override_inner_outer)
if not inner_data then
return nil, entry_placetype, nil, nil
local function fetch_cat_specs(holonym_to_match)
return data.get_equiv_placetype_prop(holonym_to_match[1], function(pt) return inner_data[pt] end)
if overriding_holonym and override_inner_outer == "inner" then
local cat_specs = fetch_cat_specs(overriding_holonym)
if cat_specs then
return cat_specs, entry_placetype, overriding_holonym, "inner"
local c2 = 3
while place_spec[c2] do
local cat_specs = fetch_cat_specs(place_spec[c2])
if cat_specs then
return cat_specs, entry_placetype, place_spec[c2], "inner"
c2 = c2 + 1
local cat_specs = inner_data["itself"]
if cat_specs then
return cat_specs, entry_placetype, outer_triggering_holonym, "outer"
-- If we didn't find a matching key in the inner data, and there's a fallback, look it up, as above.
-- This is used, for example, with "rural municipality", which has special cases for
-- some provinces of Canada and otherwise behaves like "municipality".
if entry_placetype_data.fallback then
return find_cat_specs(entry_placetype_data.fallback, cat_data[entry_placetype_data.fallback], place_spec, overriding_holonym, override_inner_outer)
return nil, entry_placetype, nil, nil
-- Turn a list of category specs (see comment at section top) into the corresponding wikicode.
-- It is given the following arguments:
-- (1) the language object (param 1=)
-- (2) the category specs retrieved using find_cat_specs()
-- (3) the entry placetype used to fetch the entry in `cat_data`
-- (4) the triggering holonym used to fetch the category specs (see top-of-section comment), in
-- the format of indices 3, 4, ... of the place spec data, as described in
-- parse_place_specs()); or nil if no triggering holonym
-- The return value is constructed as described in the top-of-section comment.
local function cat_specs_to_category_wikicode(lang, cat_specs, entry_placetype, holonym, sort_key)
local all_cats = ""
if holonym then
local holonym_placetype, holonym_placename = holonym[1], holonym[2]
holonym_placename = data.resolve_cat_aliases(holonym_placetype, holonym_placename)
holonym = {holonym_placetype, holonym_placename}
for _, cat_spec in ipairs(cat_specs) do
local cat
if cat_spec == true then
cat = "+++" .. entry_placetype
cat = cat_spec
cat = cat:gsub("%+%+%+", get_holonym_description(holonym, false))
all_cats = all_cats .. catlink(lang, cat, sort_key)
for _, cat_spec in ipairs(cat_specs) do
local cat
if cat_spec == true then
cat = entry_placetype
cat = cat_spec
if cat:find("%+%+%+") then
error("Category '" .. cat .. "' contains +++ but there is no holonym to substitute")
all_cats = all_cats .. catlink(lang, cat, sort_key)
return all_cats
-- Return a string containing the category wikicode that should be added to the entry, given the
-- place spec (which specifies the entry placetype(s) and holonym(s); see parse_place_specs()) and
-- a particular entry placetype (e.g. "city"). Note that only the holonyms from the place spec are
-- looked at, not the entry placetypes in the place spec.
local function get_cat(lang, place_spec, entry_placetype, sort_key)
local entry_pt_data, equiv_entry_placetype_and_qualifier = data.get_equiv_placetype_prop(entry_placetype, function(pt) return cat_data[pt] end)
-- Check for unrecognized placetype.
if not entry_pt_data then
return ""
local equiv_entry_placetype = equiv_entry_placetype_and_qualifier.placetype
-- Find the category specs (see top-of-file comment) corresponding to the holonym(s) in the place spec.
local cat_specs, returned_entry_placetype, triggering_holonym, inner_outer =
find_cat_specs(equiv_entry_placetype, entry_pt_data, place_spec)
-- Check if no category spec could be found. This happens if the innermost table in the category data
-- doesn't match any holonym's placetype and doesn't have an "itself" entry.
if not cat_specs then
return ""
-- Generate categories for the category specs found.
local cat = cat_specs_to_category_wikicode(lang, cat_specs, returned_entry_placetype, triggering_holonym, sort_key)
-- If there's a triggering holonym (see top-of-file comment), also generate categories for other holonyms
-- of the same placetype, so that e.g. {{place|en|city|s/Kansas|and|s/Missouri|c/USA}} generates both
-- [[:Category:en:Cities in Kansas, USA]] and [[:Category:en:Cities in Missouri, USA]].
if triggering_holonym then
local c2 = 2
local other_holonyms_of_same_placetype = place_spec[triggering_holonym[1]]
while other_holonyms_of_same_placetype[c2] do
local overriding_holonym = {triggering_holonym[1], other_holonyms_of_same_placetype[c2]}
local other_cat_specs, other_returned_entry_placetype, other_triggering_holonym, other_inner_outer =
find_cat_specs(equiv_entry_placetype, entry_pt_data, place_spec, overriding_holonym, inner_outer)
if other_cat_specs then
cat = cat .. cat_specs_to_category_wikicode(lang, other_cat_specs, other_returned_entry_placetype,
other_triggering_holonym, sort_key)
c2 = c2 + 1
return cat
-- Iterate through each type of place given in parameter 2 (a list of place specs, as documented
-- in parse_place_specs()) and return a string with the links to all categories that need to be
-- added to the entry.
local function get_cats(lang, place_specs, additional_cats, sort_key)
local cats = {}
handle_implications(place_specs, data.cat_implications, true)
for n1, place_spec in ipairs(place_specs) do
for n2, placetype in ipairs(place_spec[2]) do
if placetype ~= "and" then
table.insert(cats, get_cat(lang, place_spec, placetype, sort_key))
-- Also add base categories for the holonyms listed (e.g. a category like
-- 'en:Places in Merseyside, England'). This is handled through the special placetype "*".
table.insert(cats, get_cat(lang, place_spec, "*", sort_key))
for _, addl_cat in ipairs(additional_cats) do
table.insert(cats, catlink(lang, addl_cat, sort_key))
return table.concat(cats)
----------- Main entry point
function export.show(frame)
local params = {
[1] = {required = true},
[2] = {required = true, list = true},
["t"] = {list = true},
["tid"] = {list = true, allow_holes = true},
["cat"] = {list = true},
["sort"] = {},
["a"] = {},
["also"] = {},
["def"] = {},
["modern"] = {list = true},
["official"] = {list = true},
["capital"] = {list = true},
["largest city"] = {list = true},
["caplc"] = {},
["seat"] = {list = true},
["shire town"] = {list = true},
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(args[1]) or error("The language code \"" .. args[1] .. "\" is not valid.")
local place_specs = parse_place_specs(args[2])
return get_def(args, place_specs) .. get_cats(lang, place_specs, args["cat"], args["sort"])
return export