Tiananmen Square
编辑部分仿譯源自官話 天安門廣場/天安门广场 (Tiān'ānmén Guǎngchǎng)。
编辑- 天安門廣場
- 1979, Govind Kelkar, China After Mao[1], New Delhi: USHA Publications,第 85 頁:
- On my return from the meeting with Dr Fry, I spent some time walking about Tiananmen Square and took some photographs. Though I had not seen any wall posters there, I did notice six large portraits of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Hua. In the middle of Tiananmen Square there were several small open air photography stalls around which people were queuing up to have themselves photographed at the great revolutionary centre.
- 與弗萊博士會面结束回來後,我花了一些時間在天安門廣場散步,並拍了一些照片。雖然我在那裡沒有看到任何牆報,但我確實注意到了馬克思、恩格斯、列寧、斯大林、毛澤東和華國鋒的六幅大幅畫像。在天安門廣場的中央,有幾個小型的露天攝影攤位,人們在周圍排隊等候在這個偉大的革命中心拍攝照片。
- 1989年6月4日, Kate Adie, 片头起0:11, 出自 Archive: Chinese troops fire on protesters in Tiananmen Square - BBC News[2], Peking: BBC News, 出版於 2014:
- On the streets leading down to the main road to Tiananmen Square, furious people stared in disbelief at the glow in the sky, listening to the sound of shots.
- 在通往天安門廣場主路的街道上,憤怒的人們難以置信地盯著天空中的光芒,聽著槍聲。
- 1990, Ronald Reagan, An American Life[3], Pocket Books, →ISBN,第 372-373 頁s:
- Only history can tell us where China will go from here. The Chinese leadership's brutal crackdown on students seeking fundamental democratic rights makes it difficult to chart the future. Those brave students who laid down their lives against the tanks of Tiananmen Square confirmed what I'd always believed: that no totalitarian society can bottle up the instinctive drive of men and women to be free, and that once you give a captive people a little freedom, they'll demand still more.
- 只有歷史才能告訴我們中國將何去何從。中國領導層對尋求基本民主權利的學生的殘酷鎮壓,使我們難以描繪未來。那些勇敢的學生在天安門廣場的坦克面前獻出了自己的生命,證實了我一直以來的信念:沒有一個極權主義社會可以遏制男人和女人爭取自由的本能動力,而且一旦你給了被俘虜的人一點自由,他們便會要求更多。
- 2003, Hillary Rodham Clinton, “Imagine the Future”, 出自 Living History[4], →ISBN, →OCLC,第 457 頁:
- Because it was a state visit, the Chinese government insisted on a formal arrival ceremony in Beijing. We usually conduct these ceremonies on the White House South Lawn, and the Chinese usually conduct theirs in Tiananmen Square. Bill and I debated whether we should attend a ceremony in Tiananmen Square, where Chinese authorities had used tanks to forcibly suppress pro-democracy demonstrations in June of 1989. Bill didn’t want to appear to endorse China’s repressive tactics and violations of human rights, but he understood the square’s importance over centuries of Chinese history and agreed to respect the Chinese request.
- 由於這是一次國事訪問,中國政府堅持在北京舉行正式的抵達儀式。我們通常在白宮南草坪舉行這些儀式,而中國人的儀式通常在天安門廣場舉行。比爾和我爭論過我們是否應該在天安門廣場參加儀式,1989年6月,中國當局曾在那裡用坦克強行鎮壓民主示威活動。比爾不想表現出贊同中國的鎮壓手段和侵犯人權的行為,但他理解該廣場在中國幾百年歷史中的重要性,同意尊重中國的要求。
- 2011, Henry Kissinger, On China[5], New York: Penguin Press, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC,第 112 頁:
- In 2011, a statue of Confucius was placed in Tiananmen Square within sight of Mao’s mausoleum — the only other personality so honored.
- 2011年,一尊孔子雕像被放置在天安門廣場上,就在毛澤東陵墓的視線範圍內——两人是仅有的两个被如此尊崇的人物。
- 2022年3月5日, Kevin Yao, Ryan Woo, “China to crack down on use of leanness enhancers in cattle and sheep”, 出自 Reuters[6],於2022-03-05歸檔自原頁面:
- "We must make economic stability our top priority," Li told delegates gathered at the cavernous Great Hall of the People on the west side of Tiananmen Square.
- “要坚持稳字当头、稳中求进。”李克強對聚集在天安門廣場西側空曠的人民大會堂的代表們說。
- 六四事件
- 1994, Dan Quayle, Standing Firm: A Vice-Presidential Memoir[7], 1st版, HarperCollins, →ISBN,第 121 頁:
- The situation had its parallels to the one that developed in China that year: one might not be in the mood to talk with that country's leaders after Tiananmen Square, but if you really wanted to move them in the direction of democracy, and get them to restore the very rights they had trampled on, you were better off talking to them than driving them into hard-headed isolation.
- 這種情況與當年中國的情況有相似之處:在六四事件之後,人們可能沒有心情與該國領導人交談,但如果你真的想讓他們朝著民主的方向發展,並讓他們恢復他們所踐踏的權利,你最好與他們交談,而不是把他們趕到強硬的孤立狀態。
- 2018年2月8日, Rich Lowry, “Yes, we should throw a parade”, 出自 Politico[8],於2018-02-08歸檔自原頁面:
- But now the best argument against Trump's parade is that it will become a cultural-war flashpoint and “the resistance” will try its utmost to ruin the affair. Just imagine a protester in a pussy hat in a Tiananmen Square-style standoff with an M1 Abrams tank.
- 但現在反對特朗普閱兵的最佳論據是,它將成為文化戰爭的爆發點,“抵抗力量”將竭力破壞這一事件。試想一下,一個戴著粉色猫咪帽的抗議者與一輛M1艾布蘭主力戰車進行六四事件式的對峙。