- 五指山(縣級市名,位於中國海南)。
- [1951年8月17日, “Guerrilla Activities in South China [華南的游擊活動]”, 出自 Information Report[1], Central Intelligence Agency, 出版於 2001:
- On 30 April guerrillas led by LIN Hao-chun (林鵅群) raided and burned the bus terminal at T'ingan Hsien (110-46, 19-42). Large quantities of cement, gasoline, sugar, two trucks, and other supplies were also burned or destroyed, Anti-Communist guerrillas on Hainan are now based at Wuchihshan (109-27, 18-52).
- 4月30日,林鵅群率领的游击队袭击并焚烧了定安县(东经 110°46′,北纬 19°42′)的汽车总站。大量水泥、汽油、糖、两辆卡车和其他物资也被烧毁或摧毁。海南的反共游击队目前驻扎在五指山(东经 109°27′,北纬 18°52′)。]
- 2021年10月26日, Roxanne Liu, Ryan Woo, “China's Zhejiang province seeks to vaccinate young kids by December [中国浙江省力争在12月前为幼儿接种疫苗]”, 出自 Christian Schmollinger 編, Reuters[2],於26 October 2021歸檔自原頁面, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals[3]:
- Some cities in other provinces are also vaccinating children between three and 11. The city of Wuzhishan in the southern province of Hainan said on Tuesday that it plans to finish giving two doses to about 12,000 individuals in that age group by the end of December.
- 其他省份的一些城市也在为3至11岁的儿童接种疫苗。华南海南省的五指山市周二表示,计划在12月底前完成为该年龄段约12,000名儿童接种两剂疫苗。