beat the daylights out of

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beat the daylights out of (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 beats the daylights out of,現在分詞 beating the daylights out of,過去式 beat the daylights out of,過去分詞 beaten the daylights out of beat the daylights out of)

  1. (及物俗語) 把...打得落花流水
    • 1993, Lester Sumrall, The Life Story of Lester Sumrall, →ISBN:
      Punching fast and furiously, I would beat the daylights out of them until they were bloody all over.
  2. (及物俗語) 让...惨败 尤指在肢体冲突中
    • 2007, Greg Oliver, The Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame: The Heels, →ISBN,頁號 42:
      The guy beat the daylights out of me, and I made a dollar. My wrestling license cost five dollars.

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