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cocky (複數 cockies)

  1. cockatoo(凤头鹦鹉)的缩写,特别是谈到这种鸟的时候,如“hello cocky”。
    2005: Visit the local store at Coles Bay and you're greeted by a talking cocky called Jim.澳大利亚广播公司, The World Today program, Town seeks environmental accreditation, 5 August 2005 [1]
  2. (澳大利亚)(白话) 农民。
    And stories in the bush may not seem relevant in the big smoke, but try telling that to a cocky. — Shelley Horton, 澳大利亚广播公司 Media Dimensions program, episode 15 [2]

形容词 编辑

cocky (比較級 cockier最高級 cockiest)

  1. 骄傲的
  2. 自大的
  3. 太过自信的

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