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cut corners (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 cuts corners,現在分詞 cutting corners,一般過去時及過去分詞 cut corners)

  1. 近路违反交通规则超过别人
    • 1882, Dan Seffert, quoted in “Half Hours with Dan Seffert”, in Baily's Magazine of Sports and Pastimes, Volume 39, page 275:
      [] but I believe the old man did not ride fair, as he cut corners and joined in with them again []
  2. (俗語) 偷工减料,图省事
    The guy who built the fence cut corners when sinking the posts, and the fence fell over in the last storm.
    Do you know why Wendy's has square burgers? Because they don't cut corners.

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