跨語言 编辑

语源 编辑

源自古希腊语 δέκα ‎(déka, "10") + ὀκτώ ‎(oktṓ, "8")。


名词 编辑

  1. (动物学) 十八斑鸠,灰斑鸠。

参考资料 编辑

  1. Ken Burton ((我們可以確定引用的日期嗎?)) “Life Form Of The Month: Eurasian Collared-Dove”, (请提供作品标题)[1] (英文), yournec.org, 存档自原始网页2016-03-05: “"Decaocto was a handmaiden of Greek mythology who prayed for release from her lowly station and was transformed into a dove; perhaps this species’ call was reminiscent of her plaintive appeal for divine intervention."”
  2. Kelly Brenner ((我們可以確定引用的日期嗎?)) “What’s in a Name?”, (请提供作品标题)[2] (英文), Native Plants and Wildlife Gardens:
    "Streptopelia decaocto, the Eurasian Collared-Dove is named decaocto, which means 18 after a Greek folktale of a servant girl who only earned eighteen pieces in an entire year. The gods answered her prayers to be released from her position by turning her into a dove that called “decaocto” so that everyone would know her sad tale."