英语 编辑

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源自中古英語 demenure,源自中古英語 demenen, demeinen (处理, 动词),源自古法語 demener (引导),源自de- + mener (引领,引导),源自拉丁語 *mināre (驱动,驱使)minor (丢出,伸出)

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demeanor (可數 不可數,複數 demeanors)

  1. (美式拼寫) 举动动作行为 显现某人特点的身体语言,表情等
    The man's demeanor made others suspicious of his intentions.
    A confident demeanor is crucial for persuading others.
    • a. 1587, Raphael Holinshed, 引 Strabo, Historie of England[1], Book III:
      At this present (saith he) certeine princes of Britaine, procuring by ambassadors and dutifull demeanors the amitie of the emperour Augustus, haue offered in the capitoll vnto the gods presents or gifts, and haue ordeined the whole Ile in a manner to be appertinent, proper, and familiar to the Romans.
    • 1993, “Interrogation: The Kinesics Technique”, 出自 John J. Fay 編, Encyclopedia of Security Management[2], →ISBN,頁號 418:
      Demeanors that are apologetic and overly polite are inherently contradictory to demeanors that exhibit fear and anger.

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