英語 编辑

詞源 编辑

古典借詞,源自古希臘語 ἔλυτρον (élutron, )

發音 编辑

名詞 编辑

elytron (複數 elytra)

  1. (昆蟲學) 鞘翅
    • 1997, Thomas Pynchon, Mason & Dixon:
      In a corner, the Darkling Beetle rustles in its Cage, its Elytra the same unforgiving white as the great sand-waste call’d ‘Kalahari’ lying north of here []
    • 2020, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, World of Wonders: In Praise of Fireflies, Whale Sharks, and Other Astonishments, Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, →ISBN,頁號 9:
      [] the elytra covering the hind wings of the firefly lift like a light leather, suppler than any other beetle’s.