英語 编辑

詞源 编辑

him +‎ bimbo組成的混成詞,首次記錄於1988年,可能受到當時美國政壇性醜聞的影響。[1][2]

發音 编辑

  • (標準英音) 國際音標(幫助)/ˈhɪmbəʊ/
  • (美國) 英語發音hĭm'bō, 國際音標(幫助)/ˈhɪmboʊ/
  • 文檔
  • 韻部:-ɪmbəʊ

名詞 编辑

himbo (複數 himbos)

  1. (有時貶義俚語) 缺少智慧健壯男子
    • 1991 8月 12, Stuart Emmrich, “‘Himbo’ Flexes His Pecs in U.K. Ads”, 出自 Adweek, 卷 41,頁號 16:
      Himbo’ Flexes His Pecs in U.K. Ads [title]
    • 2022 3月 31, David Yaffe-Bellany, “Ben McKenzie Would Like a Word With the Crypto Bros”, 出自 The New York Times[1], →ISSN:
      [] a reboot in which a cryptocurrency billionaire, maybe the son of Luke Ward, whose series arc traces an evolution from villain to beloved himbo, moves to Newport Beach and takes control of the local real estate market.

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來源 编辑

  1. Douglas Harper (2001–2024), “bimbo”, 在线词源词典》(Online Etymology Dictionary
  2. Paul Anthony Jones (2017), “Bimbo Was Originally a Man”, The Accidental Dictionary, Pegasus Books, ISBN 9781681775692, 页21:
    But by the later twentieth century the male version [of "bimbo"] had all but vanished, thanks largely to a number of high-profile scandals involving beautiful young women and older buissnessmen (which led to the Wall Street Journal famosly dubbing 1987 'The Year of the Bimbo'). In fact, by the late 1980s the word had become so exclusively female that a male equivalent had to be reinvented — the earliest record the himbo dates from 1988.

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