英語 编辑

詞源1 编辑

insult +‎ consultant組成的混成詞

名詞 编辑

insultant (複數 insultants)

  1. (商業口語) 願意批評所任職組織的顧問
    • 2004, William R. Childs, Scott B. Martin, Wanda Stitt-Gohdes, Business and Industry: Corporate governance to entrepreneurship:
      As a consultant, he has specialized in strategy and policy for businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies around the globe. He is perhaps most famous for his direct criticisms of management, acknowledging that clients consider him a management "insultant."
    • 2008, Lu KeeHong, The 7e Way of Leaders,頁號 3:
      Not surrounding yourself with only the 'Yes' men and women. Invite some 'Insultants' instead of just Consultants to keep you honest. Most consultants will tell you what you want to hear []
    • 2014, BusinessNews Publishing, Summary: The Breakthrough Company:
      Breakthroughs like having insultants around because they're prepared to buck convention and challenge the fundamental assumptions of the business. Outsiders serving as insultants are generally best because they feel no need to defer to the preferences of the CEO in order to enhance their promotion prospects.

詞源2 编辑


形容詞 编辑


  1. (罕用) 侮辱

名詞 编辑

insultant (複數 insultants)

  1. (罕用) 侮辱
    • 2013, Claudis Weyser, The Diary of an Aphorisiac:
      The insult is one of the highest art forms. It is a form of minimalism, like the minimalism of an abstract artist. The one who insults is an insultant who, rather than use a canvas, uses another person. The insultant draws lines on a person to reduce them to the person they see and want others to see; and lines which they want the insulted one to feel.

加泰羅尼亞語 编辑

發音 编辑

動詞 编辑


  1. insultar動名詞

法語 编辑

發音 编辑

形容詞 编辑

insultant (陰性 insultante,陽性複數 insultants,陰性複數 insultantes)

  1. 侮辱

分詞 编辑


  1. insulter 的现在分詞

延伸閱讀 编辑

拉丁語 编辑

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動詞 编辑


  1. īnsultō第三人稱複數現在時主動態直陳式