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維基百科 en

词源 编辑

1777年进行了词形调整(在法語的影响下),源自14世纪晚期的中古英語 megrim,源自13世纪的古法語 migraigne,源自通俗拉丁語拉丁語 hemicrania (半边头痛)的发音,源自古希臘語 ἡμικρανία (hēmikranía),源自ἡμι- (hēmi-, ) + κρανίον (kraníon, )(亦派生出cranium[1]其仿译自埃及語 gs-tp (头痛)[2][3]源自gs () + tp (),但是埃及纸莎草内的记录和希腊语内的ἡμικρανία (hēmikranía)也可能纯属碰巧相似。


发音 编辑

名词 编辑

migraine (可數 不可數,複數 migraines)

  1. (病理學) 偏头痛
    He had a headache so bad that he wished he was dead, but it was the sort of migraine that promised him he would continue to suffer but not die.
    After consuming too much coffee every day for six weeks, she got severe migraines that would last up until 47 minutes after her first cup of coffee.
    • 2006, Dian Caouette, Migraine Rewritten: A Journey from Debilitating Headache Pain to Regained Health頁號 6:
      It was in 1976, during our first family holiday to Disneyland, California, that my family learned the difference between a headache and a migraine.
    • 2013, Susan Hutchinson, The Woman's Guide to Managing Migraine頁號 18:
      A team of international researchers has recently identified the first—ever genetic link to common migraine (common migraine refers to migraine without aura, and it is the most common type of migraine that occurs).
    • 2013, Health Press Publishing, Natural Therapies and Prevention for Headaches and Migraines, unnumbered page,
      Migraine headaches are fortunately suffered by a relatively small percentage of people, but for those who do suffer, migraines can literally take over their life.
    • 1995, Robert A. Davidoff, Migraine: Manifestations, Pathogenesis, and Management頁號 60:
      Syncope is estimated to occur in bouts of headache in approximately 5% of adult patients with migraine.
    • 2005, Michael H. Silber, “Chapter 28: Headaches and sleep disorders”, 出自 Christian Guilleminault 編, Clinical Neurophysiology of Sleep Disorders頁號 337:
      Migraine is characterized by recurrent unilateral, often pulsating, headaches, worsened by physical activity and associated with nausea, photophobia and phonophobia.
    • 2006, Joshua W. Devine, Daily Migraine Prevention and Its Influence on Resource Utilization in the Military Health System, PhD Thesis, page 1,
      Migraine is a common and disabling neurological disorder with substantial variation in the frequency, severity, and duration of headaches (Goadsby, Lipton, & Ferrari, 2002).

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参考资料 编辑

  1. Douglas Harper (2001–2024), “migraine”, 在线词源词典》(Online Etymology Dictionary
  2. Borghouts, The magical texts of Papyrus Leiden I 348, 1971. p.9
  3. Hoch, James (1997) Middle Egyptian Grammar, Mississauga: Benben Publications, ISBN 0920168124, 页164

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词源 编辑

借自法語 migraine,源自中古法語 migraine,源自古法語 migraigne,源自晚期拉丁語 hēmicrānia (半边头痛),源自古希臘語 ἡμικρανία (hēmikranía),仿译自埃及語 gs-tp (头痛)

发音 编辑

名词 编辑

migraine f (複數 migraines,指小詞 migrainetje n)

  1. 偏头痛

衍生词汇 编辑

派生語彙 编辑

  • 印尼語: migrain
  • 帕皮阿門托語: migrèn, migraine

法语 编辑

词源 编辑

源自晚期拉丁語 hemicrania,源自古希臘語 ἡμικρανία (hēmikranía)

发音 编辑

名词 编辑

migraine f (複數 migraines)

  1. 偏头痛

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