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mouth breather (複數 mouth breathers)

  1. 总是嘴巴呼吸的人
    • 1967, Nancy J. Barron, "A Ride in the Human Centrifuge," American Journal of Nursing, vol. 67, no. 8, p. 1654,
      Respirations cannot be recorded by this method, if the subject is a mouth breather (as no air flows by the thermistor in the nose).
  2. (俗語俚語貶義) 乡巴佬傻子呆子无趣的人
    • 2004 3月 12, Tim Goodman, “Trinkets are spirit guides in Fox's brilliant 'Wonderfalls'”, 出自 San Francisco Chronicle[1]:
      She's a philosophy major from Brown, now working retail at Niagara Falls, living in a trailer and working for a "mouth breather" of a boss.